Imagine if there were a Grandcamp…Oh wait, there is!

I love spending time with my granddaughter and doing fun things with her, so when I heard about Grandcamp I couldn’t wait to find out exactly what it was.

Imagine, a company especially for the grandparent/grandchild experience. This company uses a mix of storybooks, backyard activities, games and music, to help grandparents and grandchildren connect. And there is no way to discribe how awesome the books, CD’s and games are!

The illustrations are gorgeous!
The illustrations are gorgeous!

Here is how it works….

In a GrandCamp Adventures experience, both grandparent and grandchild embark upon a backyard “adventure” centered on a storybook. This storybook, written by award-winning author Walter Sorrells and animated with the help of former freelance Disney animator Victor Tavares, breaks through the page and turns real-life into an “adventure” through activities, games and music that support the central story.

Abby loves music and loves to dance. The CD is full of fun songs that Abby can wiggle to including my personal favorite, Nobody Loves Me Like My Grandma.

Your grandchildren will love this upbeat music and you might feel inspired to dance a jig too!
Your grandchildren will love this upbeat music and you might feel inspired to dance a jig too!

To find out more about Grandcamp go to

But before you go visit them….

Leave a comment and win your very own set of Grandcamp Adventures! You and your grandchild will love listening to the music, reading the book and playing the games. It’s a great way to spend time together. Don’t forget, all you have to do is leave a comment for a chance to win!

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  1. Lol, don’t think so. Also don’t know if I have the energy to keep up with Abby for 5 days. She is a busy little girl!

  2. i have a friend who has done a “grandcamp” for several years. she takes all of hers to a special place….to a camp, for example….and she keeps them for 5 days! i don’t know if you have enough cd’s for that or not….

  3. Starting all over…3 oldest grandchildren are 17, 13 and 12…surprise we now have a new 5 month old grandson…I really need to study up on my music and dancing…

  4. Wow! We are definitely into adventures! Would love some ideas for adventures right in my back yard. Can’t wait! Meme Sharon

  5. I have 5 grandchildren of widely assorted ages. Sometimes I have trouble knowing how to interact with them in a way that will be fun and interesting for them. Grandcamp activities look like a great way to do that.

  6. I’m here! I’m here! I’m so thrilled to have won your books!! Thanks you so much, and I have emailed you back with my address.

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