An Awesome God
Abby was here this weekend and instead of playing dolls…she played dogs.

I don’t normally have a tent and several dogs in my music room, but when Abby’s here …..well, if you are a nana you know how hard it is to say “no.”

Today I’m feeling full of gratitude for answered prayers. Every day and night I pray for certain things and one item I always pray about is the safety of my loved ones. Friday night one of my sons took his girlfriend out to dinner and just as they were turning into the restaurant parking lot, the wheel fell off his truck. He drives a very big truck and had it been ten or fifteen minutes earlier they would have been on the interstate doing about seventy miles an hour.
Thank you Lord, for watching out for them! Keep them in your care!

Our God is an awesome God! Every day I sing His praises!
I am grateful that the wheel fell off when it did!
I am so thankful too that your loved ones were not hurt. It is amazing how God watches over us all.
God is always watching over us. If you think back you can see where he was watching. He has saved us from injury many times.