A Walk At the End of the Day


I never have a problem thinking of something to be grateful for on Gratituesday; I know I am very blessed. Tonight as I was taking a walk down my driveway I started thinking about how easy it is to overlook life’s little blessings.  The fact that I am able to walk up and down my driveway is a blessing in itself, but there’s more. Instead of just telling you about it, I decided to go get my camera and show you what I mean.


There are several different wildflowers that are blooming in the fields around our house.

When you look across the field it looks like God scattered seeds of sunshine throughout the grass! And if that wasn’t enough then check this out.


If heaven smells better than a field full of honeysuckle I don’t think I will be able to stand it.

When I got back to the house I turned around for one last look and this is what I saw.

I looked up at the moon and thought about the song that says, “God is watching us from a distance.”

I believe that with all my heart, and for that I am oh so very grateful.

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  1. Beautiful pictures and thoughts. I love to sit on my deck at night and watch the sun go down behind the trees in the woods. The light coming through the trees in rays is beautiful and the sky turns such lovely colors. The stars come out and we have an abundance on a clear night! Then I listen to the spring peepers and the tree frogs, both very vocal. It gives me such a sense of peace at day’s end and such an appreciation for God’s handiwork.

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