Happy Mother’s Day…Celebrate Motherhood!

From Stephanie–
I want to wish my mom a very Happy Mother’s Day! She is my rock and my best friend. I cry every time she leaves my house. I remember saying when I was little I would never get married and move out. Of course, I did but I sure wish she lived closer. Amelia and Maddox are so lucky to have such a fabulous Granzy! We love you!!
Stephanie, Drew, Amelia and Maddox

From Marla–Happy Mother’s Day to my loving, kind, honest, helpful, beautiful, christian mother, Sherry DeVore! Momma has always been there for all of her children and grandchildren. Her unconditional love and christian values have taught everyone in the family so much! We love her more than we could ever say!
To all moms everywhere, May the good Lord bless you and keep you in His care as you celebrate the joys of Motherhood!
(Winner of Mozart book is Katie Riehl)