
Just a Taste….Please!

Just a Taste

When my children went through the crawling phase I remember how vigilant I had to be to keep them from eating whatever they found on the floor. One time my son had something in his mouth and I ran to him, stuck my finger in his mouth and pulled out a dead cricket. I’m pretty sure it was dead before he tried to eat it, but ewwww!

My son-in-law made these pictures of my youngest grand-daughter and I had to laugh out loud. I do believe she’s the first child I’ve ever seen who tried to eat her dog!

Charlie is a sweet, sweet dog and put up with being taste tested! It’s a good thing he is so patient!

just a taste
just a taste

Babies Don’t Keep

Watching all my grandchildren grow so quickly reminded me of a little poem my mother shared with me when I had my first child. You may be familiar with it, but it’s a good reminder of how quickly they grow up.

just a taste

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  1. Yes, I used to quote it often. I still find other excuses to keep from doing house work!

  2. Thanks, I use to quote it often. I am NOT a fan of housework. Stay safe friend!

  3. OH MY, That pic is just too cute! I remember all my babies did the same thing and now the grandbabies are doin’ it. Poor puppies, but thank the Lord they’re tolerant most of the time. Good puppy! Hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day! Stay safe & most of all stay healthy!

  4. Sweet poem and oh so true. That photo is hilarious, Charlie must be one the best pups ever. How adorable is your grand daughter? And those lashes!

  5. Babies don’t keep indeed. I have been unable to see my grand children since early March because of our lockdown and my grandson has learnt to ride a bike without stabilizers and my grand daughter has turned into a little girl. How did that happen?

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