Why We Should Vote


It’s hard for me to understand folks who don’t vote. I am a former history teacher and how anyone can look at America’s past and not be moved by the sacrifices others have made so that we can have the freedom to vote is beyond me. I think everyone who doesn’t bother to vote should be required to spend one day in Arlington Cemetery, to visit The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and hear a bugle play Taps in the distance. If that doesn’t convince them to vote, nothing will.

Why am I bringing this all up? Because today is the day for Kentucky’s Primary Election and I’m getting ready to go vote. I’m so thankful for this privilege! There are so many reasons to go vote (besides the one I mentioned above). Here are just a few more.

1. It takes courage to run for public office. These folks know that running for office these days means holding your life up in front of everyone and letting them inspect you inside/outside/ upside down so to speak. None of us are perfect and to be willing to throw your hat into the ring and stand up for what you believe in is tough.

2. This is our way to have a say in what happens in our country, our state, and our communities. Have you ever heard folks complain about the government and then asked them if they voted? If they didn’t vote then they have no right to complain!

3. We are setting an example for our children and grandchildren. Apathy is a terrible thing and terrible things can happen to an apathetic nation. Let’s not let it happen here!

Some of the more interesting excuses I’ve heard over the years for not voting are….

1. My vote doesn’t matter. One vote doesn’t change anything.

Not true and a very poor excuse. By saying this essentially the person is saying “I don’t matter” and that just isn’t true. A few years ago a good friend of mine lost an election by six votes.  Every vote matters. Always has. Always will.

2. I was out of town.

That’s why they invented absentee ballots!

3. I forgot.

How could anyone not know it was election day? It’s on the radio, the television and the signs are plastered all over the country side. Maybe if they live in a cave and haven’t been out in a month or so, but everyone else won’t forget!

4. I was going to vote for one candidate and my spouse was going to vote for the other so we would just cancel out each other’s vote.

This one is so crazy I’m not even going to comment.

Go vote.  If you can’t do it for any of the reasons listed above, do it just because it’s the right thing to do.


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