Random Things on a Saturday

Sometimes my mind just floats around like a butterfly and lands on random topics. When it does the best wirting I can do for you, just isn’t very good. So having been warned if you choose to keep reading, remember there is no connection to anything. Just random thoughts on a random Saturday in my somewhat random life.

Truck in parking lot at grocery store
Truck in parking lot at grocery store

I probably should have asked the gentleman who drives this truck if he minded if I made a picture of it and put it on NanaHood, but I didn’t. I figure anyone who would put their picture on their vehicle surely wouldn’t mind if I shared it with my readers.

can you guess where I was when I made this picture?
Can you guess where I was when I made this picture?

Yep, at the car wash, getting the salt off my car. My dog freaks out at the car wash. I’ve quit taking him with me because he hides under the seat and trembles.

This is our high school.
This is our high school.

If you look closely you can see the sled tracks coming down the hill. School was dismissed Thursday at lunch and we were out on Friday.  The weatherman is saying there is a possibility of more snow on Monday. At this rate we may not get out of school until July.

Notice the orange pajama pants.
Notice the orange pajama pants.

It’s nine degrees outside, but hey it’s Saturday. If he wants to wear his Nascar pajama pants outside….I say go for it!

Have a great weekend and stay warm!  Teresa

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  1. Although I’ve been known to get into my comfy pajama pants before the sun goes down, I don’t think I’ve ever left the house wearing them. I saw a woman in a discount store the other day who appeared to be wearing both pieces of her pajamas. I couldn’t decide if I am so fashion clueless that I couldn’t recognize pajamas or if she actually had the chutzpah to wear pajamas to the store!

  2. How many days of school have you missed, Janet? We’ve missed eleven and a half, plus Christmas vacation!
    The school in the pic is Metcalfe County High School, in Edmonton, KY Home of the Hornets!

  3. Love the photos. Especially the orange pjs.:) lol That high school looks familiar to me. What is the name of it? We have snow coming in tomorrow or Monday also. We live in Montgomery county Tn.

  4. Love the truck and the orange pj’s worn as outdoor work pants. I think your observations fall under “mindfulness”; if you weren’t open to seeing what’s around you, we couldn’t enjoy the photos! Thanks! Annie

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