TGIF – Thank Goodness It’s Friday so I can Fuss!

If  Tuesday is Gratituesday and I talk about things that are good, I’ve decided it’s only logical that Fridays should be reserved for fussing. Hence, every Friday shall be Fussing Friday. Some of you may think complaining and whining cancels out being grateful. I disagree. Into every life a little rain must fall (sometimes it comes a flood) and if we don’t vent to each other who is going to listen?

Maybe you have a good listener at your house, I don’t. My dog Murphy isn’t bad, but so far he isn’t giving me any sympathy or encouragement. My boys don’t listen to me unless I’m carrying a pizza in one hand and dribbling a basketball with the other. My husband doesn’t hear me because he has ESPN syndrome. He tunes into sports and tunes me out when I start to vent.

Nanas are good listeners. So excuse me while I fuss, but before I get started I do have a little good news.

The two fuzzy headed boys in the back are my twins
The two fuzzy headed boys in the back are my twins

Back during the summer my boys and my husband traveled to South Carolina for the 2009 Peach State Summer Showcase. I wasn’t able to go but I kept up with every game by cell phone. At the end of every quarter I made my husband call and give me an update. They played lots of games over three days so we were on the phone a lot. They won their age division and while I was thrilled, I was disappointed that Bill didn’t bring home pictures or videos. So this week their coach (who just got married-Congrats Coach Hicks!) sent this picture and the website about the tournament. Moms and nanas are the best braggers in the world and I’m proud to say I can brag with the best of them. Mid-State Ballerz Rock! Congrats guys!

Earlier this week I was invited by one of my former students who is a teacher now to come talk to her class about writing.

super nana 008Here I am (with my eyes half shut) in the center of some very smart 5th graders. I had a blast talking to them about writing, until…..

The Bad News

One student raised their hand and asked if the picture on the back of one of my books was me. “Yes,” I said. “Wow,” she replied, “You used to be really pretty.”


If you read this post you will probably remember that I just said a few days ago something to the effect of “I am comfortable in my own skin. I don’t worry about my looks, blah, blah, blah.”  That’s true up to a certain point, but hey, I’m human. I might eat a whole pan of homemade Smores cookies (recipe in previous post) but I don’t LIKE it when my jeans won’t zip, so occasionally I exercise (the occasionally is the problem). I might be getting gray hair at the temples, but I get it colored every 5 weeks without fail.  I may be getting wrinkles, but I rub every cream that says “anti” on my face and wear hats when I’m out in the sun. Why? Because while I don’t worry as much about my looks, I still care and looking old is something I will fight with every ounce of energy I have left in this 53 year old body!

I’ve been a teacher off and on since 1990 and believe me I know kids can be brutal. Never, ever ask a class how old they think you are. Unless they are brown-nosing they will always guess twenty years older than you really are. When I got home I got out my grandfather’s cane and polished it up just in case I might need it sooner rather than later. After that I called my hair stylist, made an emergency appointment, and got a hair cut. I’m feeling pretty good about the hair cut but will wait and make pictures for you AFTER I get out of my pajamas and AFTER I put make-up on.

More Good and Bad

pink-ribbon-imageOctober is breast cancer awareness month. While I’m grateful for the advances being made in this area and the recovery of some very dear friends from this disease (love you Kim and Martha). I am not happy that another good friend (who shall remain nameless to protect her privacy) just went through a mastectomy and is going to begin chemo soon. From one nana to another, it’s time we got mad about this disease, got off our rear ends and did something! I don’t want my granddaughter fighting this battle! Donate, participate in Relay for Life, support your friends, neighbors and co-workers who are fighting this fight and pray for a cure. It can happen. It must happen and let’s hope it happens soon!

My final thing to fuss about on this dreary, rainy Friday

My boys ordered some new sweatshirts, new expensive sweatshirts. They were delivered yesterday while I was not home and when I found them this morning this is what they looked like.

shirts 001

shirts 2

After they were rained on for 24 hours the dogs decided to eat them! The dogs didn’t know any better. They are like my boys, they eat everything.

So that’s my fussing (not cussing) Friday….

Do you have something you’d like to vent about? Keep it nice (we are nanas after all) and let me hear about it. It will make you feel better to vent. I promise!

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  1. It’s okay, sweetie. True beauty is on the inside, not the outside. I’m not upset. Hugs to you!

  2. I am so sorry that you had such a bad Friday!!! No matter what the little 5th grader said… YOU ARE BEUTIFUL… (not spelled correctly)

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