Grandma’s Front Porch Swing
My grandmother lived in a little white farm house that was built over 100 years ago. The house was too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter, but my grandmother never complained. What I liked best about the house was that it was surrounded on all sides by porches and on the front porch was a wooden swing.
I loved sitting in that swing and I’m sure I pestered my grandmother to death to go outside and play, but I don’t remember her ever saying “I’m too busy” or “Not now.” I’m sure she did, but I don’t remember it because 99 percent of the time she said “Yes.” And one of my favorite requests (along with “May I have another biscuit and jelly?”) was, “Can we go sit on the front porch swing and watch cars go by?”
I can still hear the chains rattling as we sat on the swing and gently swayed back and forth. There was always the smell of honeysuckle or lilac in the air and most of the time (especially in the summer) it was a place to escape the heat and try to catch a breeze. The road in front of Grandma Layne’s house was a busy one. It was close enough that we could easily see the traffic, but not close enough to be a danger to all of the grandkids who played in her yard over the years.
The Car Game
The “Car Game” as we called it, was one that she played with all her grandchildren. It seems boring now, but it was fun back then. We would both choose a color and guess if the next car would be the color I chose or the one she chose.
As I got older my brother and I would abuse the swing and try to swing too high. Luckily it was strong enough to hold us and as best I can remember there were no accidents.
The Next Generation and the Swing
Years passed and my children were born. Grandma Layne was still in good health and the swing was still in good shape. If I close my eyes I can see her sitting there with my twin boys on either side of her, swinging and guessing what color car would pass next.
I don’t know if you have been blessed to have a grandmother like mine or if you have shared a porch swing with someone you love, but if you have I bet you’ll understand when I say that every time I pass a house with a front porch swing I remember my grandmother and the peaceful bliss of being carefree and loved while sitting on a front porch swing.
That is so sweet! Your kids are so stinking cute, too! I know their Nana loves playing with them!
Yesterday when I got off work and got to Nana’s to pick up the kiddos, they were sitting on the front porch and low and behold they were playing the Car game!!!! Carter was winning with his white car and Nana had chosen red cars and Maddie chose black. Nana said she was suprised there wasn’t many red cars these days!!!! LOL I told her that this was very dejavu that they were doing this since you just blogged about it!!! I am sure it is a memory that my kids will forever remember just like you did and I sat and listened and heard a little squeak in the chains!
What a lovely story!! Glad I found you during the Monday Mingle
Have a great day!