The Importance Of A Smile
I just love pretty smiles, don’t you? They don’t cost anything but they sure can make a difference in someone’s day. Don’t believe me? Try an experiment for me. Pick out someone who looks a little blue and give them a huge smile. If they don’t smile back, try again. I’ll bet they will at least give you a grin. A smile is a gift we can give every day!
When you’re smiling the whole world smiles with you!
Happy Wordless Wednesday….Link up!
Awwww, thanks and thanks for stopping by!
Thanks Grandma Shelley, they light up my life!
And what a nice smile you have!
Thanks and thanks for visiting NanaHood!
I had identical twin boys when I was 36 and we already had three children. Our babies are now 19 and I wouldn’t trade a minute of the craziness for all the gold in Fort Know (if there is still some there) Blessings to you and you will be fine!
Thanks Deborah!
♥ to all of this!
I love those pictures. They are so precious. And …. congratulations on being a Nana, again. How exciting! We are expecting again in March as well, and I am holding my breath we don’t see multiples (as they say the older you get the greater the likelihood), and I am older. Thank you for stopping by Kitchen and Kids.
So true! Beautiful pictures
What a nice set of photo’s, great smiles all of them especially the first one
Have a great WW! and week, thanks for stopping by
Here is my :))
What beautiful smiles!
What lovely smiles in all of these pictures!