If My Daughter Was Beth Dutton This Is The Mom Advice I Would Give Her

If My Daughter Was Beth Dutton

First of all let me make it clear that I have a daughter and she is NOTHING like Beth Dutton, except for the fact that they are both beautiful. Secondly, if you don’t know who Beth Dutton is (an actress in Yellowstone) think Cruella DeVille on steroids. Neither Beth Dutton or Cruella are real people; they are characters made up by writers but IF my daughter was Beth Dutton and she was real, this is what I would say to her.

Dear Beth,

Get Rid of Potty Mouth

You need to widen your vocabulary. Obviously you acquired your affection for 4 letter words from the people you surround yourself with but seriously, you need your mouth washed out with soap. There are lots of words to express anger that you haven’t used yet. Get a dictionary and learn them. Foul language is not attractive and not ladylike.

Loyalty is one thing, Revenge another

Your loyalty to your father and family (except Jamie) is admirable BUT you can’t wipe out every person on the face of the planet who doesn’t like them (or you). Sooner or later you are bound to run out of people to kill or have killed. Or maybe not. Again, I know this isn’t real. If it were all the Duttons would be in prison.

You don’t have to give birth to be a mother

I love the fact that you want to help the boy from the hospital so much that you brought him home with you but what a nest of vipers you threw him into. As far as I can tell he doesn’t go to school and has zero friends. He hangs around adults and cows all day where he’s exposed to way more information and language a child of any age should hear. If your goal is to guide him into adulthood and give him skills to make his way in the world I don’t think your plan is going to work. He needs an education other than the one he’s getting on the ranch.

Follow the cross

If you were my daughter I’d tell you to load the whole Dutton crew onto a church bus as fast as you can and go find Jesus. Seriously. You need Him and so does everyone on that show….and every other television show. We all need Him.

Family Counseling

There’s no shame in admitting you have a problem and the Dutton family has some doozies. It would probably take a team of therapists several years to sort through them all but you gotta start somewhere. Can you just imagine all the Duttons in a room with a therapist???? Yowzer! Anyway, Beth, I highly recommend individual and group therapy for all the Duttons. The therapist would probably be the only person on the show who doesn’t swear, but who knows? It’s make believe….right?

Yellowstone Next Year

Beth, I have an idea for a new storyline for next season. I would appreciate it if you would share this with your show’s producers. Kevin Costner obviously needs a good woman to help him on the ranch. One who doesn’t swear, dresses modestly, goes to church, prays and can bring some spiritual peace to the family.

I would like to volunteer. I may not be able to change you, Beth, but I would give it my all. Because that’s what a Jesus loving Christian woman does. She never gives up on her kids and does her best to create peace in a family, not strife.

Let me know if you are interested. I have a few things to do here if I leave for Montanta, oh, and my husband comes with me. We’ve been married 41 years and where I go, he goes.

One more thing, if I were your mom I’d make sure you knew I loved you warts and all.

The Duttons are one messed up family, but hey, every family has problems. There are NO PERFECT families. Every person (even the Duttons) can change. Remember Saul on the road to Damascus? If you don’t know that story, Beth, we will study it when I get to Montana.


Teresa from NanaHood

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  1. Oh how I love this guilty pleasure show! Love your advice…spot on and we’ll written…except I want to be there for her dad! Kevin Costner has always been my crush! ??

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