
Cocker Spaniel Puppies

Cocker Spaniel Puppies at our house!

It’s no secret we love our pets. September 3rd our Cocker Spaniel had puppies. 4 boys and 3 girls. The first puppy was born about 4 in the morning. I stayed by her side until all of them were here. This is Bailey and Tucker. Bailey is a great mom and so far no problems!

Momma and Dad Cockers

This is Tucker and Bailey in the birthing pool my husband made for momma and the puppies. Tucker was kicked out of the delivery room and still not allowed to visit. It makes Bailey too nervous and she barks at him. I don’t blame her….she’s just playing it safe.

cocker spaniel puppies

When all was said and done there were seven puppies! Look at the one peeping out from under her leg. Aren’t they sweet?

cocker spaniel puppies

Their spots get darker as they age and the white ones will eventually look like their dad. The buff colored ones will look like mom.

cocker spaniel puppy

This little fellow was wedged in tight between his siblings and seemed to be saying, “I said I don’t want my picture made right now!”

If you are thinking about getting a Cocker Spaniel, read about them first. Ours are great pets and very sweet but they have been socialized since birth. It’s important for Cocker’s to get lots of attention and exercise. Read about the breed here at the AKC website. Ours are AKC registered.

Hope you have a Pup-tastic week and that if you are a puppy fan follow us on Kindred Cockers on Facebook. #cockerspanielpuppies #bloghop #cockerspaniels #kindredcockers

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  1. Congrats Teresa on those beautiful pups –
    Sorry I’m too late to the party to link up this week but
    Congrats also for being a Featured Guest at Inspire Me Monday at Create With Joy!
    (Week 452)

  2. They are sweet! Loved your sunrise photos this week. For some reason I have trouble commenting on your site. Have a great week!

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