Bounty of the Barrens and Grandpuppies
Every Saturday during the summer a neighboring community has something called Bounty of the Barrens. Farmers bring home grown produce and products to sell beneath tents. I went this morning and snapped a few photos I thought I’d share with you. Some of the more unusual items were Bison burgers and steaks. We didn’t buy any of those but we did bring home some sausage that a friend recommended and I bought a fried apple pie and ate it for my breakfast. I’ll keep you posted about the sausage. The apple pie was delicious!

Our dog, Leya, shares her time between our townhome in VA and my parents’ home in NJ with a one-acre fenced-in yard. My Mom and Dad lovingly refer to Leya as their Grandpup, and say she’s welcome in their home any time. Hmmm… I haven’t heard them say that about my boys