An Apple a Day


Years ago my mother took us to the orchard every October. She loved apples and cider and always loaded the trunk of her car to the point where it sat much lower on the way home than it did on the way down.

We didn’t make it in October this year, but we did go last weekend. The big crowds were gone and we had the place largely to ourselves.

orchard 1

The GRANDdaughter didn’t get to go this trip, but she’s been to this orchard many times. They have delicious cider and fried apple pies! Yum!

I think the scarecrow must be doing a good job. I didn't see a single crow!
I think the scarecrow must be doing a good job. I didn't see a single crow!
Anyone got any hot biscuits handy?
Anyone got any hot biscuits handy?

After we’d prowled around awhile we got some cider and some fried pies to take home.

Poppa pays while Rachel plays!
Poppa pays while Rachel plays!

It was a wonderful way to spend a day. Thank you Lord for the joy of family and the blessing of spending time together!

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