Gratituesday at NanaHood


Many years ago I remember watching an episode of Family Feud and the question was “What can parents never have enough of?”  If you remember the show you know that there were two teams and each team tried to guess the number one answer.  Before I tell you the answer, what would you have said?

The first team guessed “love.”  The second team guessed “money.” Both were answers, but they weren’t number one.


That’s right, the number one answer was patience.

Looking back over the years I know this is one area of my life where I’ve often fell short.  I can almost hear myself saying to my children, “Hurry up, we are going to be late!”

As I have mentioned before my grandmother was one of the most patient people I have ever known. She just didn’t get her feather’s ruffled….ever.

I am so grateful for her and for her ability to be patient, not just with me, but with all her children and grandchildren.

Patience is a virtue and for all those people in my life who are patient with me (including Char, my tech friend to whom I consistently send email labeled HELP when I am frustrated with my computer) I say THANKS!!!!

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