Ageism and Convincing Ourselves to Think Positive


Let’s face it, getting older presents challenges. My husband and I have a calendar full of doctor’s appointments. For the most part we are doing well, although my husband is recovering from Shingles. If you haven’t had the shots run (don’t walk) to the nearest drug store and get vaccinated.

There are blessings that come with aging but in general society is not kind to us older folks. They focus on the young, beautiful and thin people, not the over 40 crowd and certainly not the over 60 crowd (which is where I belong).

I like the age I am. There are many things about it that I don’t care for, but it’s wonderful to feel secure in my own skin. I don’t sweat the small stuff anymore and truthfully, there is a lot of small stuff in the world.

Convincing Myself to Think Positive

A week or so ago I received an invitation to be in a contest called “Fab Over 40.” At first I laughed it off and thought to myself, “What about Fantastic over 50” or “Sizzle (don’t fizzle) over 60.” The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I was not inclined to enter because of my age. I tell everyone that “age is just a number” but do I really mean it?

My Aunt Mary Alice is in the “Cool Ladies over 80” phase of her life. She still plays pickleball, has dinner parties, goes to social events and enjoys her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She’s amazing and I’m proud of her for so many reasons.

She doesn’t let her age keep her from trying new things and I knew that I shouldn’t either.

Breast Cancer Awareness

If you are a regular visitor to NanaHood you know that I am an advocate for breast cancer awareness. If you haven’t scheduled your mammogram for this year call now and do so! We lost my best friend and cousin, Martha Temple Todd ten years ago this month to breast cancer. She lives on in my heart and in the hearts of her daughters and grandchildren.

This is Martha and me a million moons ago.

Breast Cancer Awareness

When I realized that #Fabover40 raises money for the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. I researched the organization and saw that they are doing great things.

My Decision

Finally, after a lot of thought, I entered the contest. At my age I shouldn’t try pole vaulting or race car driving (especially if backing up is involved….I have backed over more stuff than Carter has liver pills) But if I want to try something new I shouldn’t let my age hold me back. After all ageism is harmful for a lot of different reasons. I want to think and act positive!

If you are so inclined I would very much appreciate your vote.

Vote here.

Thank you and stay positive!

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