Wishing and Hoping and Praying for a Cure

It’s been one of the most beautiful fall seasons I can remember. I have spent a lot of time outside every day enjoying the weather and the scenery.

One of the roads that leads to my house

Yesterday I was reminded again though that even on the most beautiful days there are a lot of folks who are struggling with problems.

I went in a local gift shop in search of a wedding gift for a friend’s son and his new bride, and while I was shopping a pretty young girl came in and stood looking around as if she were lost. The sales lady asked her if she needed help. I was close enough that I heard her answer.

“My best friend was just diagnosed with breast cancer and I want to get her something to let her know how much I care,” she said.

The sales lady made a few suggestions and then moved on. I looked at the girl more closely and realized she had tears in her eyes.

She was about the age of my daughter and my motherly instincts just wouldn’t let me keep my mouth shut (those of you who know me well are laughing and asking when has she ever kept her mouth shut?). I told her about Susan G. Komen’s web site and all the wonderful items they have in their gift shop that you can purchase online. Last year I bought pink ribbon tree ornaments and gave to some of my girlfriends and family, part of the cost goes to fighting breast cancer. Then I told the young girl goodbye and wished her friend good luck. Today I’m saying a prayer for her and her friend.

When I first started writing this post I called it “Wishing and Hoping” and the more I thought about it, the more I realized that just wishing and hoping isn’t going to get the job done.

If we (women) really want this disease to go away we are going to have to put on our big girl panties (my sister-in-law’s favorite expression) and do something about it.

Won’t you help?

What You Can Do

If you can bake a cupcake you can help save a life. Bake cupcakes…decorate them pink and sell for a dollar. Then donate the money to the Susan G. Komen foundation through my NanaHood Friends and Family Team.

Many thanks to my friend Susan A for donating and to Mary Alice Yokley for baking cupcakes. I just dumped my money jar out and counted and I have about $50 from cupcake sales! Yee Haw!

I have another batch in the kitchen, ready for the pink icing. Cupcake anyone?

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