Cupcakes for a Cure
We are nearing the end of October, but are we nearing the end of breast cancer? Just this morning a friend is on her way to get her first chemo treatment. While I am thankful there is treatment available I am so ready for breast cancer (all cancers) to end!
Today is Faithfully Fun Friday with Tiffany and she’s got another great giveaway for you, as well as a story about her friend.
by Tiffany Secula
Breast cancer is a disease that touches so many lives. In fact, since the odds of a woman being diagnosed with breast cancer are 1 in 8 it is hard not to be touched by it in one way or another in your life.
I am no exception. I have a dear friend who I am proud to say is a survivor! She beat it! I did not know her during her battle, we did not meet until after she had beat the beast, but I am so thankful to have her in my life! Since we have been with the Three Forks congregation, I have come to know and love her. I have seen the impact she has on so many lives: in her family, with her church family, with her school family and all the kids she teaches each year.

Mrs. Janet is strong! She is caring! She works hard and gives so much of herself to others. She is such an example to those around her. I appreciate her so much! Recently I wanted to show her a small token of that appreciation and I presented her with her very own Think Pink heart pin. I have since seen her wearing it often, and that makes me so proud to know it means something to her as she means so much to me!
It is such a blessing that Janet is still with us and able to share all her experiences with so many. Yet, there are far too many who are not able to continue life’s journey. It is this reason why Nanahood has made it a non-stop mission to blog pink until there’s a cure! It is why Faithfully Fun wants to join that fight and do what it can to help spread the word and lift the spirits of those affected by this disease.
All month long there are been posts with ideas of what each of us can do to help spread the word and do something about breast cancer! One of those ideas was the pink cupcake bake sale. That is what inspired this week’s Faithfully Fun giveaway item! This Think Pink Cupcake pin is 100% fat and calorie free, yet full of love and support for the cause! Let’s make the last giveaway for Breast Cancer Awareness month the best yet! Help us spread the word!! See what you can do to win and help us do a little bit more to see that this monster is defeated…. for GOOD!!!
Friends, we can’t do everything but we can do something. So I am asking you to help by choosing at least one thing on the NanaHood list to help end breast cancer.
Pray. For a cure, for better treatment, for strength for those fighting it and comfort for those who have lost loved ones.
Wear pink all month long to promote awareness. I did this last year and am going to do it again this year. By the end of the month you feel a little like a strawberry milkshake, but that’s no big deal.
Donate to research. NanaHood has a Friends and Family team and you can donate by clicking here.
Participate in a fundraising event like a race or walk.
Bake Cupcakes for a Cure. Thanks to all who helped with this last year! If any of you are bakers all we do is bake them, sell them for a dollar and donate to the NanaHood Team.
Tell someone to get a mammogram. Every where I speak I ask women if they have had their mammogram and every where I go, there are a handful who have never had one! So ask your mom, sister, friends and neighbors if they have had their mammogram and if they haven’t keep asking them until they go!
Do your own self exam. Here’s how….Click here to read about it.
Host your own office party or event to raise awareness and raise funds. It isn’t hard and it’s fun!
Send a card to a friend who is fighting cancer and let them know you care, or better yet, call them or go visit. None of us want to slay a dragon alone!
If you have a blog or Facebook page please give a shout out this month. There will be tons of information, ideas, interviews and other things going on here to raise awareness.
For this last giveaway we are going to do something a little different. Instead of telling us what you are doing…tell us who you are doing it for. Maybe it’s in memory of your mom, your sister, your friend. Maybe you have a friend who is fighting it now. Just leave a comment here or on the NanaHood Facebook page and tell us who your fighting for! Winner chosen Monday morning!
I’m glad your mom will love them and appreciate all you do for your friend and other women fighting bc!
Thank you Katherine!
lovely post. Thank you for joining in the fun at the Thursday Favorite Things hop. Happy Sunday wishes xo
What an adorable card!
Thank you for the beautiful pins; my mom is going to love them!
I have a dear friend who survived breast cancer and I meet bloggers every day who share their stories as well, so I do all I can to spread the word for these brave women!
I am fighting that no one else should hear the stomach dropping words, “The biopsy shows invasive ductile carcinoma.”