Say “Boo” To Cancer
Cancer is a scary monster.
The Lord knows how frightening this world can be. Did you know the topic of fear is mentioned around 500 times in the scripture? God wants us to know, however, that He is our rock. Throughout the Bible is a constant refrain of “Do Not Fear.”
Eleanor Roosevelt had this to say about fear, “We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face… we must do that which we think we cannot.”
One in every eight women will get breast cancer at some point in her life and it would be a very rare woman who would not be afraid. But with the help of God, loving family and friends, we can all do things that we think we cannot.
Another Faithfully Fun Friday Giveaway!
This week NanaHood wants to turn the tables and say “BOO to cancer!”
The week’s giveaway item it the “Say Boo Ghost” – wearing a pink hair bow and its own pink ribbon. Instead of letting breast cancer scare us, we want to encourage others to DO SOMETHING about it.
We can’t DO EVERYTHING but we can DO SOMETHING! Choose one thing you can do and leave a comment for a chance to win our ghost pin on Monday morning!
Pray. For a cure, for better treatment, for strength for those fighting it and comfort for those who have lost loved ones.
Wear pink all month long to promote awareness. I did this last year and am going to do it again this year. By the end of the month you feel a little like a strawberry milkshake, but that’s no big deal.
Donate to research. NanaHood has a Friends and Family team and you can donate by clicking here.
Participate in a fundraising event like a race or walk.
Bake Cupcakes for a Cure. Thanks to all who helped with this last year! If any of you are bakers all we do is bake them, sell them for a dollar and donate to the NanaHood Team.
Tell someone to get a mammogram. Every where I speak I ask women if they have had their mammogram and every where I go, there are a handful who have never had one! So ask your mom, sister, friends and neighbors if they have had their mammogram and if they haven’t keep asking them until they go!
Do your own self exam. Here’s how….Click here to read about it.
Host your own office party or event to raise awareness and raise funds. It isn’t hard and it’s fun!
Send a card to a friend who is fighting cancer and let them know you care, or better yet, call them or go visit. None of us want to slay a dragon alone!
If you have a blog or Facebook page please give a shout out this month. There will be tons of information, ideas, interviews and other things going on here to raise awareness.
Hi Sandy, You are our winner! Congrats!
My cousin was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer and has encouraged me as a 49 year old to get a mamogram. I went with her to the doctor it was tough to hear what they had to say but she is so brave!
Happy Birthday to me on 10/22/12. Had Breast Cancer in left said good by to both Ta-Tas!!
Bootiful! So cute.
I can’t imagine someone not knowing ANYBODY who is fighting breast cancer. I know several, including one of my friends who is close to my age and who is in the final stages of her (losing) battle. We donate monthly to this important cause and I participate in the Run for the Cure as well. Breast cancer has advanced by leaps and bounds but still has a long way to go.
I’m glad we connected on Twitter and I’m now following you via email. Have a wonderful weekend!
It is Boocute! Last night on one of the coupon sites that gets sent to me automatically was honoring breast cancer awareness. For each coupon printed out, there was a penny given to Komen foundation. I printed out 9 so that helped a bit.
I want. This is too cute.