
NanaHood’s own Christmas Story

Remember the movie “A Christmas Story?” Ralphie wants a BB gun and everyone keeps telling him “You’ll shoot your eye out, kid.” Well, this is NanaHood’s Gory Christmas Story…..

gory Christmas Story

I’ve watched it a gazillion times but after last night I feel differently about laughing at the pain of hurting your eye.

I rarely sleep well. I’m up and down all night and last night I was doing my nightly prowl when I decided I would go to the den and either watch tv or play on my phone. I felt around in the dark on my bedroom dresser for my glasses, found a pair and went to put them on. Unfortunately, they were the ones the dog had chewed the ends off and there were just wires sticking out on the ends, but I couldn’t see that in the dark.

I poked one of the wires straight into my left eye. I went running into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. A one-eyed monster from a horror movie glared back at me. When I realized there was blood running down my face I woke Bill up.

What do you do in the middle of the night when you have injured your eye? You Google what to do, of course. We put a cool rag on it and eventually I went back to sleep.

What have I learned from this “eye opening” experience?

1. It’s better to turn lights on than guess in the dark.

2. If something’s broke, throw it away. Don’t leave it laying around where it can injure someone. Thank goodness my grandchildren didn’t get them.

3. Man’s best friend is a huge responsibility. Think long and hard before getting your kids a puppy as a Christmas present. I LOVE my pets but they require a lot of time and attention. House training them can be a challenge and puppies will chew up ANYTHING! If you don’t have oodles of time and attention to give the pet…then don’t get the pet for your children. Like this article says, “A dog is for a life-time, not just for Christmas.”

4. Trying to see out of one eye isn’t easy.

5. Even when I wake him up in the night with blood running down my face (after the initial shock) my husband is my best friend. He could have fussed at me for not throwing the glasses away, but he didn’t. He just held me and promised to drive me to the doctor the next day.

And finally….

6. Do NOT buy your grandchildren a BB gun. They will shoot their eye out.

gory Christmas story

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