When Will There Be A Cure?

October is almost over. My goal for the month has been to remind you to get your mammogram and to remind you to remind your friends to get theirs. I also hope I encouraged those who have breast cancer to keep on fighting.

This weeks photos are of my granddaughters…3 reasons I want there to be a cure for cancer soon!


This is the baby granddaughter. She’s 7 months old.


This is Miss K modeling her gypsy look.


This is the oldest granddaughter. This weekend she read 13 books!


The 3 granddaughters together. They are 3 reasons I want there to be a cure soon, but there are many, many more. When you consider that 1 of every 8 women get breast cancer we need to find a cure soon!


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  1. Such an important topic to discuss. I lost a student last year to breast cancer. She was only in her 20s. Her boyfriend asked her to marry him anyhow. They were married for 2 years.

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