Thursday Thoughts on Addiction
What happens when you take a blogger to the mountains where there is no Internet service?
They suffer computer withdrawal!
My fingers are constantly itching and twitching for computer keys….If I hear a ding (anywhere…even if it’s the drier my heart skips a beat because I think I have email!).
I knew I was addicted but I didn’t know HOW addicted until this week. Wow, it’s hard to be unplugged!
A few times we’ve come down the mountain to civilization, but even then for some reason my email messages won’t send. It’s almost funny (if it wasn’t so sad) that when we reach a certain point on our decent from Mountain No-Internet our phones start dinging like crazy, telling me I have mail. And boy do I have mail! It’s like coming home, opening your mailbox and having letters falling out all over the ground.
Right at this moment I am sitting in a Starbucks, drinking ice tea (too hot for coffee) and typing like there is no tomorrow. My very patient husband is sitting across from me and he has only said “Aren’t you done yet?” ten times. The music is too loud for me to think clearly and during the hour we’ve been here a couple hundred tourists have wandered in and out. It’s just a tad distracting.
Don’t get me wrong, I am HAPPY to be here with my family and the moonlight on the mountains last night was breathtaking. This trip has been wonderful but truthfully, not being able to blog when I want to is like having someone put duct tape over my mouth.
Any other bloggers have trouble with being unplugged, or am I the only Internet addict online?
Gotta run. My husband has finished his 3rd fruit drink and has run out of patience!
Of all the things I could be addicted to I suppose the Internet is not the worst, but for a blogger it is tough.
Thanks, Nicole and good luck to you and your blogging!
Amen, Susan!
I would struggle, I’m sure! Thanks for linking up for Flash Blog Friday
Yes, I am addicted! It is better for me to be in a place where there is absolutely no hope of access. Then I can stop worrying about it. But when access is spotty, I keep trying. . . .
I’m just a rookie blogger still … but I am even getting a bit obsessive. There are definitely worse addictions. But, already I try to ‘mostly’ unplug at least one day per week. Visiting from Freedom Friday
Bless your heart!! I know it is horrible when you can’t check your email! Hope you are enjoying your get away but I know it will also be good to get back home to more normal life too!! Be safe coming home!