Thursday Thoughts About Waiting

How patient are you?

Imagine for a moment that you are sitting in your car behind another car at a red light. The light turns green but the car in front of you doesn’t move. What do you do?

Plan A. Lay on your horn and say things you shouldn’t.

Plan B. Tap your horn and wait to see what happens. If nothing happens you revert to Plan A.

Plan C. Wait patiently for the person in front of you to go no matter how long it takes.

I would like to tell you that I would always choose Plan C, but that wouldn’t be the truth. There are times when I have the patience of a flea (do fleas have patience?)

Part of the problem is we have become a culture accustomed to instant gratification. If we order something at a fast food restaurant we had better get it NOW. If we look up something on our computer and it takes more than three seconds to appear we huff and puff and wonder why it’s taking so long. The problem with living like this is that when we don’t get what we want when we want it….we get frustrated or angry.

One of the hardest things to wait for (in my opinion) are results from medical tests. Martha, my cousin with breast cancer, was supposed to find out if her chemo is working yesterday, but she didn’t. The hospital called and her scans weren’t sent when they were supposed to be so the doctors hadn’t had time to go over them. They postponed her appointment until tomorrow; two more days of waiting.

Mistakes happen. People who work in hospitals are human beings just like the rest of us, but that doesn’t make it any easier to wait.

Keep praying friends, Martha and I appreciate it.


Don’t forget….

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  1. Some people say the older we get the less patience we have! I think I have more–maybe because I realize how short life really is and need to choose “JOY”! I’m thinking the picture on the front of the “Shoe-La-La” book of the lady in green might be my stunt double!!! LOL!!! Prayers for Martha!!!

  2. I seem to have more patience now. I think about I may be that person one day and love the other people to grant me patience on what ever I am doing at the time, whether in the grocery check-out or fumbling with my purse. Martha is always in my prayers. Please let me know how her results turn out. 🙂

  3. The older I get, the more patience I have for traffic, people fumbling in grocery lines, sales clerks without a clue, and doctors who keep me waiting. Or it could be the meds :0)

    Good luck to Martha.

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