Sisters of the Heart

There’s nothing like going to a cancer center and watching hundreds of people getting chemo to humble your heart. Yesterday I went to chemo with my cousin. She’s more than my cousin, she’s the sister of my heart. We have known each other forever. When we were children we spent summer and winter vacations together. Over 20 years ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer the first time. She’s a fighter and the definition of the Proverbs 31 woman.

If you pray, please pray for her. If you send good thoughts, send them her way. LOVE YOU MARTHA! I made this collage for her for her a few weeks ago for her birthday. Weren’t we cute little fat babies?


Blog hop friends, link up and leave some comment love for my cousin Martha!
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  1. Your cousin is so lucky to have someone like you by her side! Warm wishes to both of you!

  2. I had a post about my sister too cuz I miss her this Christmas as she is at home in the Philippines and I am here in the UK. This is such a nice post. Made me miss my sister more.

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