
My Sink Time Morning Routine: How I Find Some Balance

This is my view (give or take the tea cup) in the morning. It has been for 2,268 days or so, but who’s counting? ?

(Those of you who know me—all 3.5 of you—know I’m now calculating the number of days I’ve not been able to stand at this exact spot because I need to know that number ? I own my nerdom, so you 3.5 can make fun of me later.)

Anyway…this spot has evolved over those 2,227 +/- (?????) days. On any given day, it sees me on different spiritual, emotional, and physical levels, but it’s nice to me and accepts me however I show up.

It has seen me at my highest having proud mom moments and at my lowest questioning how in the world God thought it was a good plan to leave me to solo parent these boys.

It has welcomed me on days I’ve felt okay and days I’ve shown up on a walker or crutches.

It has watched me giggle at goofy things my kids have said, smile at an encouraging text sent by a friend, or be so snotted up sobbing I’ve run out of the paper towels that are to my right from here.

This spot is where I quite often see the sky transition from darkness to light, and even when my heart is the heaviest when I arrive, I most often leave with a little bit of light there, too.

My time here starts routine but is supple once I let my mind and heart free, and oftentimes, the randomness of my thoughts can even be mentally exhausting as I can bounce from idea to idea like today when I skipped from thankfulness for the sounds of the birds and other signs of spring to my pleading for a friend and her husband to get to come home soon from a very long hospital stay.

…and always at the end, I ask simply for guidance and some sense of security to wrap my boys and me throughout the day, the comfort in knowing He’s guiding us. Then, I get that second cup and wander down the hall to get the day started.

…..like I need to now…I hope everyone has a “sink.” I know I would be lost without mine.

melinda campbell
Melinda Campbell – All Reflections from the Kitchen Sink posts are written by Melinda Campbell. Melinda is a retired educator who currently focuses her efforts on raising her two teenaged boys, advocating for individuals with special needs and against drunk driving, and serving in her local community. New Kitchen Sink Merchandise

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