Reflections From The Kitchen Sink on Social Distancing
Social Distancing
By Melinda Campbell
It’s pretty simple. Things went from questions and basic safety suggestions to super vigilance in a hurry. It was the same for everyone. A glance at our couple weeks shows the transition like many people have made.
We skipped a rare chance to travel to see someone due to the potential we could carry critters in on him. My kiddos are young and could easily be have the virus and not even know it. We couldn’t take that chance.
We shifted on cue from having 2-v-2 ball games and a game night with the Beshear-approved nine church kiddos to only chats with folks from a distance.
I canceled my tax appointment because I didn’t feel 100% and didn’t want to expose someone or have my weakened immune system pick up anything new.
We have communicated with our medical providers to determine the necessity of in-office appointments and rescheduled some with our fingers crossed those times will hold.
We feel sluggish from too many carbs and not much activity.
We have exhausted the Netflix options on some of our favorite shows.
We’ve sanitized floors, washed sheets, and wiped light switches and doorknobs down pretty much daily.
We’ve watched video coverage of our church bells ringing and had some heart tugs for not being in our usual spots this weekend.
Everyone is feeling the physical, emotional, and spiritual pulls of this thing, but it’s something we must do.
Of course, there are those who sling nasty verbal daggers in social media forums from the spot of all courage on their couches. There are even those who try to place doubt and uncertainty in our minds. We have to choose to ignore and maybe even block those people.
Now simply isn’t the time to try out one’s rights to make his or her own decisions. It’s not the time to cave in to every whim of our hearts and go and do as we please. This is the time to be more civically-minded than maybe most of us have ever been before. This is the time to put some actions behind our big words and do what needs to be done.
We now have to settle for rare outdoor chats with friends and, like my kids, chats with friends and classmates using all the fancy tech stuff I don’t comprehend. We have to find the silver linings in the clouds of this isolation. There are always silver linings when we look for them.
Just remember this is impacting everyone. You’re not alone in your worry or concerns.
If you don’t have your own sink-like spot, maybe now is the time to find one: a special place to center your mind and heart every day…with a good cup of coffee in hand
…until next time…

Bio:All Reflections from the Kitchen Sink posts are written by Melinda Campbell. Melinda is a retired educator who currently focuses her efforts on raising her two teenaged boys, advocating for individuals with special needs and against drunk driving, and serving in her local community. New Kitchen Sink Merchandise-Click Here?