How Old Do You Have To Be To Appreciate Gone With The Wind?

What do you think of when you see fog rolling in? Call me crazy but I think of Rhett Butler. Remember, Rhett?

If  you are familiar with the movie Gone With The Wind then you know who Rhett is and you can probably guess why fog rolling in reminds me of him. (Hint…Think closing scene).

Over the years I have watched the movie more times than you hear the words “debt ceiling” in one day on television.

I know the characters so well that they seem like friends. Actually I’ve known lots of people over the years that remind me of the characters. I knew a Scarlett clone and have had the privilege of knowing several Melanies. I went to college with some frat  guys who thought they were Rhett (but weren’t close) and I had a baby sitter who resembled Aunt Pitty Pat.

Gone With The Wind has all basics of a classic award winning movie and watching it can give you an inside glimpse of the old south; the good and the bad. And there was a whole lot of bad prior to and during the Civil War.

Because I love the movie I wanted to share it with my daughter. Over the years I’ve done everything I know to do to convince her  that she would enjoy getting to know Rhett and Scarlett but up until just a few weeks ago I didn’t have any luck.

Finally after years of begging she watched the first half with me the other night. I haven’t managed to corner her long enough to watch the second half yet but I’m hoping that she will before she forgets what happened in the first half.

We won’t be watching it tonight though because The Bachelor comes on and it’s the finale (gag me with a spoon!) but she loves it.

I wonder if anyone has ever done a survey of GWTW fans? I wonder if they are all (ahem) older folks like me. Or if there are any younger fans who have an appreciation for the movie.

Let’s do a quick and informal survey. If you have seen GWTW do a quick comment and tell me your age (you don’t have to leave your name)  My inquiring mind wants to know!

You can also tell us what you thought about it if you like but  if you don’t want to tell me….well, I’ll worry about that tomorrow.




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  1. A southern belle wannabe, huh? I think you and your family need to come to Kentucky for a visit. I’m close enough to Nashville I could show you the Parthenon and the Grand Ol Opry. Also close to Mammoth Cave. If you don’t know about it you can read about it online. People come from all over the world to visit it. In Bowling Green we have the Corvette Museum and the Corvette factory (your guys would like that). Consider this your official invitation….fall break?

  2. I LOVE Gone With The Wind. The book hooked me back when I was 20. Then the movie. I am a HUGE fan, and I’m 28. I even read the follow up, Scarlett, and watched the follow up movie {which just did not do it for me because no one can replace Vivien Leigh!!!}. I think if I chould choose a time period to visit, it’d be that one. I love the beautiful dresses, big houses, and southern charm! 🙂

  3. Gone With the Wind was my mother’s all-time favorite movie and book. We watched it with her repeatedly when we were growing up. I haven’t seen it in years, but would love to rent it sometime. I am 45 and should watch it with my daughter. I still would consider it one of my favorites.

  4. I’m kind of in the generation between you and your daughter, and I LOVE, LOVE Gone With the Wind. It has been my favorite movie (or in the top three, anyway) for almost all of my life. I actually have a large pencil sketch portrait of that image of Rhett Butler you posted. I dressed up as Scarlett for Halloween when I was in Junior High, with ringlets and hoop skirts and everything. Mostly I’m just a southern belle wannabe. 🙂

    Now I need to dig out this movie and watch it again!

  5. 51, I saw the movie the first time @ Glasgow plaza & just fell in love with it. I also have it on DVD too. Great, Great Movie.

  6. I loved, Gone With the Wind. Now, I’m not sure where I fall in the age category. My grandmother still considers me her “grandbaby”. However, I sometimes teach creative writing to young elementary school aged children and they seem to think being 5 times their age is “really old”. 🙂 Just stopping by. Following you from Mom Blog Monday Hop. Would love a visit and a follow back on my blog: We are having a fantastic iPad 2 giveaway and a Kindle 3G giveaway so I hope you will enter if you haven’t already! Thanks! Nice to meet you.

  7. It’s both mine and DHs favorite movie! I’m 23 and it’s been my favorite since about 16. Same with him I think 🙂 Many of my friends loved it back in elementary school, but I wasn’t into romance (liked sci-fi) until I hit high school 🙂
    Thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂 Following you back!
    Jen @ My Secret Home

  8. I saw it for the 1st time in the 4th grade and was hooked for life. When I was in the 6th grade, it came back to town and I saw it for the 2nd time. 2 days later, I begged Mama to let me go again and, even though she didn’t think it was sensible to let a kid go to a 4 hour movie on a school day, she let me go. I couldn’t wait for my 2 nieces to get old enough to appreciate the movie and took them to Nashville to see it on the big screen so they could really experience it the way it was meant to be seen. I’m sorry to say they were more impressed with the outlet mall than GWTW.

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