Better Joint Health In 2017

Disclaimer: I was sent Osteo Bi-Flex to review but all thoughts and opinions are strictly my own. #ad #madetomove

As I mentioned in my previous post, 2016 wasn’t the best year for me health wise and I’m determined to be healthier in 2017. Besides my post about 5 Tips From Toddlers for a Healthier You, I want to share with you some things I’m doing differently in 2017 through a series of posts this week.  I sincerely hope that you will try at least one of them and that they will help you have a healthy and productive year.

Better Joint Health

My husband ran track when he attended high school in Pinckney, Michigan and he was pretty talented. He ran 120 yard High Hurdles, 440 yard Intermediate Hurdles, Mile Relay and did some high and long jumping as well. He was offered and accepted a scholarship from Eastern Michigan University.

Now (many years later) my former track star has horrible knees. We don’t think about the effect of sports on our bodies when we are young, but we often pay a price for abusing our bodies when we are older.

When I was asked to review Osteo Bi-Flex, the first thing I thought of was Bill’s knees. We were both so excited when the product arrived that we fought over who got to open the box. I let him win.


I knew about the product because they were a sponsor of a conference I helped host, BAM, and I fell in love with their “Made to Move” Campaign. They sponsored a Disco Dance for us and and we had a blast! This is me on the left and my friend Elaine Ambrose on the right.

Made to Move

What Osteo Bi-Flex Can Do

After one month of taking Osteo Bi-Flex we are definitely feeling the benefits. My husband has bragged and bragged about how much better his knees feel. Watch this short 14 second video for proof!

Get Moving

I’m experiencing less popping and creaking noises in my joints and I’m definitely ready to go disco dancing again! Life is too short to spend it sitting still all the time.  Depending on your preferences (pill, capsule, gummy) there are lots of choices. Check out Osteo Bi-Flex to see their great line-up of products to help you be more active with less joint discomfort.

This is a Blog Hop. Please link up and leave a comment about your joint health.

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  1. I am always looking for something to help with my very arthritic joints. Thank you so much for all of this info. I will definitely have to look more into this. As I start my farm completely over on my own, I am really going to need my joints to work better.

  2. I can relate to the knees…both mine are bone on bone, and believe me…it has been excruciating!! I am too over-weight to have knee replacement, so I was suffering, not only in pain, but life-style since I could hardly move, which didn’t help my weight problem! I’ve been taking Glucosamine Chondroitin for many years, and I’m sure it probably helped a little…but hadn’t got the relief I so desperately needed. My doctor recommended cortisone injections…and I am a new woman!!! The problem is, now that I’m not experiencing all that knee pain…I’m aware of the pain in my hips and back! Therefore, thank you for this info, and I will be sure to buy Osteo Bi-Flex the next time I’m at Costco! Love your blogs, and best wishes to you and your hubby with your new health for 2017!

  3. Hi Candy, I hope it works as fast and effectively for you as it did for us. Take care and let me know how you are feeling!

  4. I understand preventative care! Take care of it before you have problems in you can! Blessings to you!

  5. I so agree Leanne! My husband was so rough on his knees it’s no wonder they trouble him. Thanks for commenting and blessings to you!

  6. Join pain can certainly be a killer as we age. This product looks like it will help. Thanks for sharing and have a great week.

  7. That sounds like a great product. I have some joint stuff that my husband mixes in drinks here. His family has back problems, so it’s more preventative care for him.

  8. Ah yes, here at our house we know all about Osteo Bi-Flex. Believe it or not but hubby’s doctor told him to try it rather than writing a prescription for something else 🙂

  9. You must have been to the doctor with me for my last check up. Talk about back and hips starting to hurt. Will give this a try.

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