
Goodbye 2017 – Reflections on the Year

Goodbye 2017 and Hello 2018

The end of the year is always a good time for reflection. What did I get right? What could I have done a better job of? How can I improve?

Reflections on 2017

I am always amazed by how swiftly time passes and this year has been no different. Our oldest grandchild turned 12 this year and it seems like yesterday she was just a baby. Her father, our oldest child, turned 36. Our babies, the twins, are now 26 and this year one of them took a bride! We are so happy to have her as part of our family.

2017 had some other memorable moments. If you are like me and make a gazillion pictures on your cell phone all you have to do is scroll back through them and count your blessings.

Thanks to Disney Social Media Moms Celebration I got to go to Disney World with this guy and our twins. We had a great time at Disney and then they took us on a cruise! We went to Disney’s private island (where Bill enjoyed some ice cream). It was such a fun trip! Thank you #DSMMC It was awesome!

Another blessing of 2017 was this little girl. Her mom and dad had been trying to adopt her for a very long time and now she is where she belongs….with Kelli and Randall. So thankful our prayers for sweet Gracie were answered and she is now safe with two people who love her beyond measure.

We love spending family time at the pond on our blueberry farm. It’s one of my favorite spots. I sit on the porch swing, look at the pond and count my blessings. It’s often the ordinary, simple things in life that give us the most pleasure. A sky full of puffy, white clouds reflected on water. Or grandchildren catching their first fish…

I love the look on their faces and Hank (the dog) inquisitive sniff!


goodbye 2017

Any day I get to spend with my grandchildren is a good day and I treasure each and every moment I get to spend with them.

Our Christmas was extra special at my brother’s house this year. My husband and good friend Julie played the guitar and we all sang along. Fun times!

goodbye 2017

Immediately after Christmas Bill had shoulder surgery and our granddaughter, Abby, was such a help. She has the sweetest disposition and is so loving. We are so proud of her!

What You Don’t See While Scrolling Through Your Pictures

Life isn’t always as happy as the pictures we put on Facebook. 2017 brought our family our share of challenges as well.

We lost our beloved Uncle Lee and although we know he’s in a better place, we will miss him so much. I was so happy he did get to come to our son’s wedding and so appreciative of the fact that he and my aunt we’re able to join our celebration. I know he didn’t feel well and it meant a lot that they were there.

goodbye 2017

Most of us share the happy moments and hide the struggles. No one’s life is perfect or without problems and our family is no different.

Facing Adversity

If we could choose to walk a perfect path through life with nothing but sunshine and lovely flowers along the way we probably would but it isn’t possible because we live in an imperfect world. Life is never a completely smooth path. Some people may have fewer challenges than others but ultimately everyone will face adversity of some sort.

What determines our character is how we handle the speed bumps along the highway of life. 

When Jesus was about to go to the cross and die for the sins of the world he prayed, “”Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” 

My prayer for 2018 is, “Watch over my family and friends this year, Lord. Guide our footsteps and keep us in your care. Help us to make wise decisions and handle our problems in a manner pleasing unto you. In all things not my will, but yours be done.”

Comforting Words

While doing my daily devotional I read the following passage this week. This is Paul speaking to the people of Athens about an alter he had found that was inscribed to an unknown God.

Paul said, “The God who made the world and everything in it is the lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. From one man he made all nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. For in him we live and move and our being. As some of your own poets have said, “We are his offspring.” Acts 17: 24-28.

It warms my heart to know that “He is not far from any one of us,” and that “We are his offspring.”

When troubles come, having him near and knowing I am his child is such a comfort.

Looking Forward

Goodbye 2017. We can and should reflect on the past to learn from it but there is no point in focusing on the past because what is done, is done.

No one except God knows what 2018 will bring, but I will continue to pray for guidance and safety for our country, as well as my family and friends.

Happy New Year NanaHood Friends!


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  1. Thanks Shelbee, yes I did. Thank you so much for stopping by and FYI, I love your hair cut! Teresa

  2. Hi Teresa,
    It’s been fun getting to know you a bit this past year via social media and your blog. Love the pics you shared here and on Instagram last year. You have a lovely family. You’re right, we don’t always allow others to see the not-so-pretty parts of what’s going on in our lives. Sometimes I wonder why this is and why there is a hesitancy to not only show our own vulnerabilities but also a hesitancy to look at vulnerabilities in others. I am not getting back to my blogging until next week. Happy New Year to you and yours. May 2018 be kind to you. May it be kind to us all. Nancy

  3. Beautiful thoughts, images and memories. Yes, I am very happily a grandmother too, but they are growing up way to fast. We certainly need to treasure these precious moments with them. Have a fabulous 2018. I am meeting you today from
    the Imag-in-ing link up.

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