Giving Thanks For Blessings Galore
Oh my goodness, I am sooo blessed!
When you wake up on Gratituesday and don’t know where to start counting then you know you are blessed!
Here’s a short list….
1. I have so many friends who are fighting health battles and I am so thankful that I have the avenue of prayer and that I can ask for mercy and healing for them.
2. Jim Croce had a song that said, “Nobody ever had a rainbow until they had the rain.” We haven’t had much rain in south central Kentucky lately. The grass has turned brown and hasn’t had to be mowed in weeks. Yesterday it rained. What a blessing! I love the smell of a summer rain!
3. Swimming pools. When it’s this hot even a small pool is fun. Yesterday I got in Abby’s small plastic pool with her. When I did a lot of the water sloshed out, but hey, we had fun. (Sorry, no pictures!)
4. NanaHood. I hope you can tell how much I love blogging, parenting and grandparenting. It is truly a labor of love!
5. Family. There’s just no way I could have imagined how much I would love my family (and that includes my church family, my children’s friends, cousins, nephews, friends, etc.) You are awesome!
6. My seniors….can’t believe my babies are seniors this year! Time doesn’t fly, it goes at rocket speed!