Giving Thanks for Another Year
Okay, I know some of you are thinking, “This NanaHood lady has gone nuts. After my 29th, 39th, 49th, or 59th birthday, I am not excited about my birthday anymore.” Think about it for a minute and consider the alternative which is NOT having a birthday and that means NOT being here with the people you love.
Suddenly having a birthday doesn’t seem like such a bad thing, does it?
August is a big month for me. First, my precious GRANDdaughter had a birthday.

On Wednesday NanaHood will be turning one (be sure and visit Wednesday for a chance to win prizes!)
Also my wonderful Aunt Mary Alice (who gave me a sack full of juicy tomatoes last night…yum) has a birthday on Wednesday. Happy Birthday Aunt Mary Alice, I am thankful you are in my life!
And then this Friday my awesome son-in-law and I share a birthday. I tried to get Gabe to switch ages with me but he declined. I am so thankful that he is my son-in-law and we are so blessed to have him in our family!

So Happy Birthday to us all! Praise God for all the blessings of the year and praise to Him for allowing me to do NanaHood (and special thanks to Char for being my technical go-to-gal, my helper and my friend)!
Congrats! Thanks for sharing the photos!
Thanks so much Martianne!
Thanks Ginny Gin, love ya!
I think people with August birthdays are the best kind of people around.
Birthday blessings to one and all!