Giving Thanks for Friends, Food and Kin Folk
Once again I am feeling so blessed that it’s hard to know where to begin giving thanks, but I’ll start with praising God for the blessing of the harvest.
My Aunt Mary Alice invited me and two other friends (who were visiting from out of town) to lunch. Most of the food was from her garden and I can verify that it was delicious. If you are not from the south there are two things on the table you might not be familiar with. One is the tomato sauce on the right that we spooned onto our beans (yum) and the other is yellow squash. Over the years I’ve learned that not everyone prepares squash the way we do (lots of folks fry it). The first time my husband (he’s from Michigan originally) saw it he thought it was mashed up corn. Thanks again Aunt Mary Alice for a wonderful lunch! And thanks to God for the sunshine and rain to grow such wonderful food!

Peggy was the main reason we all had lunch together. She was here visiting from Arizona. She and her husband John lived in this area for 23 years and John preached at our church when the twins were toddlers. Peggy couldn’t believe how much the boys had grown and truthfully neither can I.
Giving thanks today too for good friends and healthy children.
And then Sunday we were blessed with a visit from my cousin Martha, her husband, Glenn, and youngest daughter, Brittany.
We visited my brother and his wonderful wife, Kelly, and later that day she surprised us with a big pan of her famous brownies-still warm from the oven.

By the way, the brownie pan is now empty so if you were thinking of stopping by for a visit….no brownies!
So now you know why the title of this post is what it is. How about you? What are you thankful for today?
Sure, we just wash it, slice it into fairly small slices, put in a iron skillet (or any other skillet for that matter) with just enough water to keep it from sticking. Bring to slow boil and keep it there until squash sticks tender. When water is almost gone add butter, salt, pepper (sometimes I add cheese but it’s great without too) and mash with potato masher. That’s it!
Teresa, would you please share your squash recipe? I have a refrigerator drawer full from our CSA boxes and I am looking for a new way to try it. I usually just steam it ever so slightly. I have tried frying it – yummy – and I also cut it up over spaghetti, along with some garden tomatoes, and toss with a little Italian dressing for a light supper. But mashed squash sounds intriguing! Thank you!