Mother of the Year Nominee #7
I would love to nominate my WONDERFUL Mom …… Versie Mosier.
My sweet, beautiful mom got married at 20, had me within a year followed by my sister 19 months later. We lived in a little house with no bathroom or running water. How does a mom wash cloth diapers, cook without a microwave and take care of a hard working husband along with making her children feel like they were the most special girls in the world. I really don’t know, but she did it for years (still is). Two more little girls came along later so there were four….Still…no running water, no bathroom, no phone and the most “engaged” mom I know, to those four little girls.
I remember in 1st grade at Summer Shade Elem. She would volunteer to help out with everything going on in school and her “little” oldest girl would cry every time she came to school and left. I always wanted to be with that Momma of mine. As the years passed she made sure we dressed “cute” we would drive to the dressmakers house so we could have new clothes that we could afford. So somehow we always looked pretty good in those matching little dresses.
She taught us to be kind to everyone… matter what…and I still try to live by that. She told each and every one of us that we could DO anything……many a 4-H speeches were done (and won) because Momma said, “You can do this”. Tammy (baby sister) won the state 4-H speech and it was “What is a Home”, she also won awards on her speech about “Mother”.
We always were in church, always involved at school and so was our precious Momma. I went off to college, so did the other 3 girls and we graduated and got jobs that we all love (most of the time). I remember when I told her I had gotten the job with Delta Airlines (even though she prayed I wouldn’t) she supported me whole heartedly.
Our mom grew up with very little, but she made sure with very little…..we had everything!! Recently at a Christmas party here in Marietta, Georgia, I was standing with two of my sisters. A neighbor said, ” I was so surprised to hear you all grew up so poor. You always look so nice.” Well we all looked at each other and had a secret little smile between up, because we new that the richness in our life could never have been bought. Our Momma had given it all to us our entire life, she made it seem so easy even though it was hard.
I could tell you lots more. How she loved all the kids at Summer Shade Elementary, how all our friends are still close to her, how she helps out at church and is the surrogate mom for lots of our good friends that have lost theirs. I will not go on, but I will tell you, no matter where I am in the world (I just landed from Manchester, England this afternoon) when I get in my car to drive home, I wanta talk to my Momma and Daddy in S.S. Ky. and tell them how much I love them!!!! Pam Mosier Sayne….(Teresa Perez, Kim Kiser and Tammy Yarbrough) We LOVE you MOMMA!!!
I vote for Versie. In the Mosier clan material stuff may have been a struggle, but love was always easy and Versie was the reason.
I would love to cast a vote for Versie Mosier. I’m just the sister-in-law, but, if I could have had any Mother-in-law in the world she would have been my pick. She raised some pretty special girls also. Too bad there are not more like her is this world. It certainly would be a better place.
Obviously, Versie did a great job because her girls are all awesome. They love each other and stick by each other. They are all funny as all get out too! Versie you are the bomb!
Aunt Versie Mosier gets my vote too!! She gave me the best 4 cousins in the world. I always thought you all were rich when we were growing up too! And you were, just not in the way I was thinking at that age. Love you ! Michele
My vote goes for Versie Moiser.
My friend Teresa this is her Mom and she always speaks so highly of her Mother and her childhood. She loves all her sisters so much and has such a tight bond with each one of them. We all know where this starts from…… The Mother. My vote goes to this loving and caring Mother that I know is so proud of all her daughters.
Stacey Russell
Versie gets my vote. She is a precious mother to us all. I have always felt at home in the Mosier house.
Your favorite……from another mother….. Donita!
My vote goes for Versie Moiser. I spent as many nights at the Moiser house and to this day still remember the phone number. That’s strange in this world of programing numbers in out phones I can’t even remember hardly anyones. Versie was always fun to be around but with a message (not a lecture) about things every teen needed to hear often. Love you Versie! Tootsie
I’m pretty sure my grandma gives everyone inspiration to be better a person. She is the most kind hearted and loving mom/grandma I know. My vote goes to you Grandma.
I LOVE my Grandma so much. Some of my best memories as a child is visiting my Grandma andGranddaddy in Summer Shade.
Versie is the BEST Mother-in-law anyone could ask for. All of us “Mosier Boys” love her dearly.
I too would like to vote for Versie Mosier! I’ve never met her, but feel that I truly know her and her daughters thru the stories I’ve heard from Teresa Perez. We grew up with one bathroon and 3 bedrooms in a family of 9 kids and 2 of the most wonderful parents ever, but I can’t even begin to imagine living with no running water and no bathroom! That is true love! Also…I just LOVE her name!!!
But my wish is that all mothers had a beautiful and most wonderful Happy Mother’s Day ever!!
I vote for Versie Mosier! She is the mother of my dearest friend and business partner. I know she is truly loved and honored by her daughters. I love to hear all of the mama stories- I know how proud and lucky that Teresa and all the Mosier girls are to have her as a mother!
My Aunt Versie is truely a wonderful lady. I hold her dear to my heart she has always been their for my family in time of need .Always when my mother her sister in law has needed her she was their to hold her hand and give her that golden smile and words of comfort.She has been the greatest wife a man could ever ask God to give to him. My family and Aunt Versies family well lets just say we grew up about as close as close could be Always at there home visiting,eating,man she is as amazing COOK,just feeling so welcome and loved by her everytime you see her is the memories I have and will cherious. Aunt Versie I have always admired you such a classy lady but never thinking you were at all better then the next..Thats why I would love to vote for you my dear sweet Aunt LOve and Kisses..Love Angie Lynn Branham
My vote goes to Versie, it is no wonder that with an example like that Teresa always makes everyone feel like family.
I vote for Versie Mosier! I have tears in my eyes from reading Pam’s tribute to her. She certainly raised 4 of the best girls ever. Everywhere all of the Mosiers are you are sure to find fun, excitement and just a loving feeling all around them. I am sure this must come from the way she taught them how to live! What a great mom!
I have to take a deep breath, my vote goes to Versie. Thankyou for sharing your mom with us.
I would also like to nominate Versie Mosier. What a beautiful story for a wonderful, loving mom! A mom sets the example for her children and that is so evident through her girls!!!
My vote goes for Versie as well! We are so lucky to have such kind, loving mothers — I found this poem that I’d like to dedicate to Versie:
A mother’s love is consistent and patient, it will never fade.
A mother’s love is warm and compassionate, even in the (Summer) shade.
A mother’s love will always help you through the weakest hours.
A mother’s love is always like a bouquet of flowers.
A mother’s love is strong and will never steer you wrong.
A true mother’s love is beautiful in many ways.
A true mother’s love is sincere and it takes a mother’s love to conquer our fears.
A true mother’s love knows the depth of love.
A true mother’s love is contentment, just like God’s love.
Versie’s love is absolutely all of the above.
She is my mother in law and I totally agree that Versie is the best mother in law/mom anyone could want.
she is my vote.
Teresa turned out to be a credit to your mother’s parenting skills and having read your story, I can now see why! I hope to meet your mother one day:) Fi
I would like to vote for Nana Mosier because she is the Mom of my best friend who I love more than anyone in the world. She is so special that I know it takes a very special person, Versie Mosier to raise not just a daughter, but 4 wonderful daughters that I have the pleasure of knowing and loving. Thank you Mrs. Mosier and Happy Mother’s Day!
I Vote for Versie!
I would like to nominate Versie Mosier also. She is like a mother to me and I love her very much!
I vote for Versie Mosier. I have heard for 18 years now stories about this woman and what an incredible mother she is. I thought it was hard enough with one baby and disposable diapers, bathrooms, etc. I can’t even imagine. But more than though I know she gave her girls the gift of self-esteem with all of her love and letting them know they could do whatever it is they wanted to do. Hats off to Versie and hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day!!
I vote for Verse Mosier’s story. She and her sweet man did indeed raise 4 wonderful girls, and you can see the pride in her eyes when she is with them. Happy Mothers Day Mosier Sisters, you had a great role model!!
I too would like to nominate Versie Mosier. She is the incredible mother of 4 of the most wonderful girlfriends in the world. These apples didn’t fall far from the tree in Summer Shade, she taught them all how to live love and be the greatest friends a girl could ever have. Love you Versie, jen haehn
My mom should win because she is the best mom in the world.
Pam you wrote everything so beautiful and true! I love her so much. I just talked to her this morning and she told me how much she knew she was loved and its so true!
I would like to nominate Versie Mosier the best mom in the world.
God made a wonderful mother a mother who never grows old he made her smile from the sunshine and he molded her heart with pure gold. In her eyes he put bright shining stars. In her cheeks fair roses you’ll see. God made a wonderful mother and he gave that dear mother to mthanks god i love you mommy. U.r awesome your other favorite. Tammy
My grandma ROCKS!
I love you grandma. Penelope
I would like to vote for Versie Mosier. She is awesome……
God made a wonderful mother, a mother who never grows old. He made her smile frome the sunshine and he molded her heart with pur gold. In her eyes he put bright shining stars, in her cheeks fair roses you’ll see. God made a wonderful mother and he gave that dear mother to me……UNK
I love you Momma!
Your other favorite….Tammy
Well, I’d like to vote for Versie Lee Mosier because she IS the best mother in the world! If i can be half the mom to my little girl Izzy I will be proud! My mom made me the person i am today and if I must say I’m not half bad! HEEHEE! I Love you Versie Mosier! Your favorite…..Kim!
Well I could have said so much more, but ran out of space. I truely feel God gave us the “Best Mom” ever, for us…some how He knows just what we all need. After reading the stories…we all love and respect our moms so much. I am voting for Versie Mosier!!!!!She is the best!!!!!!!! I love you Mom!!! Happy Mothers Day!!!!
Your mother sounds like a wonderful inspiration. I was amazed at the fact she raised you for the most part with no running water or bathroom. I know that had to be difficult. I applaud your mother. She is my vote.