
Blueberry Bear- Children’s Book Review

Blueberry Bear is a wonderful children’s book about a dog who loves blueberries. When I first heard about this book I thought to myself, “This author must know I’m a dog lover with a blueberry farm.” But guess what? She didn’t know!

Cover with award emblem

After the book arrived I sat down and read it and immediately fell in love with the cute dog and her antics but the real test wasn’t me. Would my grandchildren like it?

Brynlee and book

My three year old granddaughter came by and I asked her if she would like for me to read a book to her. She immediately snuggled up to me and was ready to read.

Before you watch the video of me reading the book to my granddaughter (and you need to watch it because not only is the book good, my granddaughter is a hoot!) let me tell you a little bit about the author and illustrator of the book.

The Author

Eileen was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois and currently resides in Chandler, AZ. Eileen’s passion is her Blueberry Bear series; her compassion is animal welfare and supports rescue shelters. Eileen and her registered therapy dog Jamie are a proud therapy team and active with the Paws 2 Read Organization.

Eileen lives happily with her long-time companion, Dennis and her rescue menagerie. She is currently working on completing her Blueberry Bear adventure trilogy.

The Video

The Blueberry Bear Book-Video of me reading it to my granddaughter.

The Love of a Dog

I have always loved dogs. They are so loyal and trusting. Eileen’s dog, Jamie (aka Blueberry Bear) is wonderful with children and goes with Eileen frequently to libraries and other places where children gather to read.

Blueberry Bear reading with child

Jamie is such a beautiful dog and she and Eileen are best buddies. I don’t think being famous has changed her a bit. She’s still the same humble, loving dog she was before Eileen wrote about her!

Blueberry Bear (aka Jamie)

Now what are you waiting for? Visit Eileen’s website and order a copy to read to your grandchildren. Trust me, you’ll love it. My granddaughter and I did. We average reading it at least once a day. And there’s lots more great information on Eileen’s site that you will enjoy, so stop by and say hello and tell her I sent you!

Disclaimer: I was compensated for reviewing this book but all thoughts and opinions expressed are strictly my own! #sponsored

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  1. It looks like a cute book. That’s sweet that your granddaughter love to be read to.

  2. Thank you for commenting. I think they are sweet too! But I think all dogs are sweet!

  3. Hello Kelleyn, I hope you do check it out. It’s so beautifully written and illustrated!

  4. Thank you! Check out Eileen’s web site and order a copy. It’s a beautiful book!

  5. Thanks Renee! Invite your friends and family to visit me here and on Facebook at TheNanaHood Do come back!

  6. Yes, we started several years ago and every year it’s more work than the year before! But we love it and we love blueberries! Bellviewblueberries.com

  7. I love the book Blueberry Bear! I have read it to my 4 and 7 year old nephews and 6 year old niece and they all enjoy it! The older ones read it to me! I absolutely loved seeing you read to your granddaughter she is just the cutest. 🙂 Thank you so much for having this great page and promoting such great books!

  8. My husband and I loved the video of you reading to your precious granddaughter!
    The book looks awesome – just the type of book we would love – and I love that gorgeous dog! 🙂

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