Grandparents of Twins, Triplets and Multiples

For those of you who are cooking a really big turkey next week, say one that is near 20 pounds, I want you to stop for a moment and think about Brittany Deen.  Brittany is a new mom of triplets, 3 boys who had a combined birth weight of over 20 pounds!

In 1991 our twins were born. Our boys combined birth weight was about 13 pounds. I remember feeling like the Good Year Blimp the last month of my pregnancy. I couldn’t sleep. It was hard to breathe and my feet and ankles looked like water balloons (so I was told…I couldn’t see them for my giant belly). But 20 pounds of baby…I can not imagine how this new mom must have felt!

As we are fond of saying in the south, “Bless her heart!”

You can read more about Brittany here

By the way, Brittany has already lost 50 pounds since giving birth.

Blessings to Brittany, her husband and her 3 precious babies! Here’s hoping she has a lot of help lined up and that someone else cooks her Thanksgiving dinner. She deserves this year off!


Any grandparents of multiples out there? I’d love to hear from you about your experiences!


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  1. My sister-in-law gave birth to twins 29 years ago. When she got sick during pregnancy, they had her try various things to make her better. Back then sonograms weren’t the norm. She finally went into the hospital and they did a sonogram and found out they were having twins. One baby in front of the other, no wonder they couldn’t find the heartbeat of baby #2, they both weighed 5 1/2 lbs each, boy and girl.
    For me, we are having a 22 lb turkey this year. That’s fine with me not a baby! I’m just loving on my grandchildren! Thanks for the story.

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