Twins, Friends and Family

They say everyone has a twin somewhere in the world…that’s what my first photo collage is about.

My dad died in 1995 and for years I never noticed how much my twin boys looked like my father. The other day I was going through some photographs and realized there is a marked resemblance, especially between one of the twins and my dad. But how can one twin (they are identical twins and often are confused by people who know them well) look more like my dad than the other? I don’t know. You see if you can figure it out! In this collage is my dad, my twins, and a movie actor (Ryan McPartlin)  who also bears an uncanny resemblance to my sons. Can you tell which is which?

2nd collage

The holidays were meant to be spent with family and friends but we can’t be with everyone we love. Missing some special friends and their wonderful mother this Thanksgiving, but so very thankful I got to spend time with them during 2012!


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  1. Thanks for visiting 1camera1mom. I’ve linked two of my blogs: 1camera1mom and Amanda’s Books and More.

    The collage of the twins and your dad are really neat! Happy Thanksgiving!

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