“The Guardians” by John Grisham- A Book Review

The Guardians-A Book Review

The first book I read by John Grisham was A Time To Kill. Published in June of 1989, it was his first book. From that time on I have been mesmerized by Grisham’s writing. I can’t honestly say that I have loved all 40 of his books (yes, I’ve read them) but The Guardians is Grisham at the top of his game.

The hero in this book is a workaholic lawyer who is also an Episcopalian priest. There’s no romance in this book so if you are looking for steamy love scenes, find a different read. The Guardians is pure legal thriller and Cullen Post (the workaholic lawyer/priest) investigates prisoners who were put in prison but they are really innocent.. The focus of the book is on the conviction of Quincy Miller (who spent 22 years in prison before Cullen took the case) and Cullen’s determination to prove that Quincy is innocent. Post works for a group called Guardian Ministries, an organization based on Grisham’s real life involvement with a group called The Innocence Project.

How Post Came to Guardian Ministries

Cullen Post is believable and likable as a priest and lawyer. He’s a nice guy who had a rough beginning as a public defender. When he was called upon to defend a teenage rapist and murderer it caused Post to suffer a nervous breakdown. After he recovered and he was eventually ordained as an Episcopalian priest and then began working with a prison ministry. This led him to defending more “innocents” and that led him to Guardian Ministries.

The colorful and often corrupt characters Cullen encounters along the way to proving Quincy’s innocence are equally entertaining and fascinating. The plot moves fast and furious with one clue, leading to another, to the next. If you are a Grisham fan or a legal thriller fan….don’t pass this one up. It will leave you thinking about the possibility of hundreds (maybe thousands) more innocents behind bars, which in my opinion, is exactly what Grisham intended

The Guardians

To read more about one of my favorite authors, John Grisham, click here.

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  1. I went for years without reading books (I had five kids within ten years). Now that I can read again I devour books like warm cookies right out of the oven!

  2. My husband has read quite a few John Grisham books. I read “The Innocent Man” that he wrote about an innocent man being accused of murder. I think it’s the only nonfiction book that he’s published. (?) It was very good. And of course well written. 🙂 I am currently reading The Dearly Beloved. It’s not a fast-paced novel, but it has a lot of depth.

  3. Thank you for making me at least think about reading again. A friend of mine even gave me her latest book for Christmas and I haven’t been able to read it due to the inability to concentrate. And thank you for hosting.

  4. It’s sad when the law fails at being just. I’m glad to see that John Grisham bravely took on this topic in his book. Thanks for sharing and for hosting! Have a blessed day!

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