Day 27- NanaHood

Day 27 of 30 Days of Thanks


When I started this blog I had no idea where it would take me. In a few short years I have met people from all across the world. I have posted guest blogs from readers in Australia, England and Singapore. It’s simply amazing that I have met so many wonderful women (and men) who have at least two things in common; we love to blog (or at least read them) and we love children.

It is such a blessing to be able to talk to you, dear readers, and to read your comments. It’s an honor that you share your time with me and I value your thoughts and opinions.

I am blessed with a dear friend, Char, who is my technical go-to person and over the years NanaHood has deepened our friendship (even though we have never met in person).

Thank you so much for being a part of my NanaHood family. From my house to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you, Lord, for my NanaHood friends and family!


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