Always Remember Mom is here for you

Always remember mom is here…

By Melinda Campbell…Kitchen Sink Columnist and single mom of 2.

This is one of my efforts to remind the boys I’m in their corners.

There’s one of me and two of them, so I use whatever means possible. Lately, I have felt like my parenting feet were in cement. I know we all cycle through moments, but I seem to be on a Tilt-a-Whirl of concerns that is anything but fun. (Have I ever mentioned I get motion sick?) There have been a couple things recently that have really been kicks in the pants. A couple I’ve worried I don’t have the testosterone grit to manage most effectively.

Yeah, I try, and, yes, we press on; however, the heart squeezes during those times are exhausting spiritually and emotionally.

……but times goes on

……it’s a new day

……it’s my job to tilt those chins upward and try to help focus on goals

…Today, those efforts will matter, and in five years, today’s efforts most certainly will matter.

My Thoughts AboutAlways Remember Mom is here for you

By Teresa Kindred

I loved Melinda’s post so much I wanted to add some of my thoughts. My 5 kids are grown now and on their own but ask any mom and they will tell you….they are still my babies. The very best days of my life were the day I married Bill and the days I brought them home from the hospital. I have very vivid, clear memories of everything about them.

I remember which baby had the most hair, how they smelled, how it felt to hold them in my arms and rock the night away. When you are in the midst of parenting you are so very busy (or at least I was) that I failed to think about the end game…the purpose of raising a child is to let them go, right? Well, I forgot that. I read hundreds of books on raising children but zero on letting them go. Big mistake. Every time one of them graduated from high school I felt like my heart was wearing a cap and gown and walking out the door.

Perhaps that’s why Melinda’s last few posts make me want to throw my arms around her, hug her tight, and tell her everything is going to be okay. She’s had more than her fair share of bumps in the road (truthfully, more than bumps…more like mountains to climb…her husband was killed by a drunk driver) and she’s still managed to “keep swimming” and raise her boys as a single mom.

The letting go process must be twice as hard for her as it was for me.

Melinda, your boys know you are in their corner. You’ve done a great job and your boys love and adore you. You aren’t done parenting by a long shot so savor the moments. The love you have given them will grow and bloom and keep them and their friends buzzing around your house for the rest of your life.

Keep doing what your doing cause you are doing good.

Now go grab another cup of coffee and sit out by your pool and chill. You deserve it.

Love you my friend!

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