Fear of Flying


Today is Tuesday and I’m giving thanks for several things today.


I will be 54 years old my next birthday so I am old enough to look back at my journey thus far and say “thank you, God” it’s been an amazing ride so far!  Have I enjoyed every minute of every day of my journey? Probably not as much as I should, but I try. There are days when I have hit pot holes, days when the rains have poured and my soul has been weary, but when those days come I keep the faith because the clouds always part and the sun always shines once more.


Another thing about being 54 is that I now know how much truth there is in the expression “Time flies,” (which, by the way, it does even if you are NOT having fun).

According to the picture above the good news is that we are the pilot. That’s not good news as far as I am concerned because I have an intense fear of flying.  I don’t know where the phobia came from, but it’s real.  I can make myself get on a plane, but my palms sweat and my stomach churns and I am miserable until we land.  I dislike it so much I would rather have a root canal than to fly (at least the root canal is done on the ground).

While I am a chicken when it comes to flying I am glad that when it comes to my personal journey here on earth that God is my pilot and I’m just a passenger who is enjoying the ride. (as long as I’m on the ground).  You see, there have been times in my life when I flew my own plane and it wasn’t a pleasant experience (and not because I hate flying).  If I hadn’t changed and made God my pilot, I know without a doubt that I would have crashed by now. If that sounds as cheesy as a bumper sticker, so be it. It’s the truth and yes, the truth really does set us free!

I can’t imagine life without his guidance, his love, his forgiveness.

For that I am will always be, forever grateful.

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