Increase your brain activity-Read NanaHood Daily

I have scientific proof that NanaHood will stimulate your brain! Isn’t that great news? Send an email! Call your friends and neighbors! But before you do, read the rest of this post.

While surfing the web yesterday I ran across an article by HealthDay News and another byScienceDaily, both articles reference a study conducted by a UCLA team of scientists. They tested 24 neurologically normal volunteers (age 55 to 78). Half had used the Internet daily, but the other half had limited experience. They hooked up these folks to an MRI and instructed them to conduct Internet searches for one hour.  Then after this initial MRI scan, they were sent home and told to do Internet searches for an hour each day for seven days over a two week period. When they came back for the next brain scan guess what the scientists had learned?

Those folks who had prior Internet experience showed a much greater extent of brain activation, than those who had not browsed the Internet. But those who had just been introduced to the Internet were making gains after just seven days of browsing!

Conclusion: No matter how old you are, using your brain is good for you. Browse the Internet. Do research.  Read NanaHood every day. We want to keep those brain cells happy!

Warning to new Internet surfers: Spending hours on the Internet shopping can be potentially harmful to your health and your bank account!


ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 21, 2009, from­ /releases/2009/10/091019134707.htm#

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