5 Things about Motherhood Every Mom Needs to Know
5 Things about Motherhood every mom needs to know
Motherhood in 2020 ain’t for wimps. Between work, virtual school, and juggling all the duties that come with parenting it’s just a really hard time to be a Mom.
I had some hard years as a mom, too. The worst was 1989 when my mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I had 3 little kids and a husband who was working full time and going to graduate school. Life was a difficult balancing act, but I muddled through it with God’s help and the help of friends and relatives.
That’s what we humans do when life throws one curve ball after another at us…we just muddle through it.
Every where I go I see stressed moms who are struggling to keep it all together so I wanted to share 5 things that helped me cope with motherhood and maybe they will help some young mom who is feeling overwhelmed.
5. Look for humor.
Some days are harder than others but when there is something to laugh about….go ahead and laugh out loud! Here are a few memes that I found that might at least make you chuckle.

I remember locking myself in the bathroom because it was the only place I could go for privacy and sometimes even locking the door didn’t work. I remember one of my kids slid notes under the door demanding I come out and prepare him another peanut butter and jelly sandwich (they weren’t allowed to use even butter knives after one about sliced his finger off with his dad’s pocket knife.}
One day you will be able to go to the bathroom alone again without anyone screaming “Mom!” However, if you are very lucky someday little people will once again bang on the bathroom door but this time they will yell “Nana!”
4. Forgive yourself for not being perfect.

Do the best you can and when you mess up (and you will) take a time out and do some deep breathing until you feel calm again. Parenthood is hard and no one can keep it together ALL the time….not even all those people on Facebook who look like they are (I promise you they aren’t).
It’s hard to be kind and patient all the time. I had more than my share of “come aparts” as a mother (in the bathroom when the door was locked.} You won’t warp your kids by not being perfect, but you might if they think you are perfect.
Let them know you mess up and apologize when you make a mistake. It’s how we learn and grow as a parent.

3. Exercise.
When does a mom have time to exercise? Who wants to get up at 5 a.m. to exercise when they average ten minutes of uninterrupted sleep per night, right? After work isn’t good because you have to cook supper, help with virtual school, bath time, etc. You don’t have time to tie your shoelaces so how are you supposed to make time to exercise?
I don’t know but I’m telling you from experience it helps. Remember that really hard year I mentioned earlier? The year my mother was so sick? I started walking that year and although it didn’t make my problems go away, it helped me handle them better.
Even if it’s during your lunch break at work and it’s only ten minutes…go for a walk. A short brisk walk is better than no walk at all.

2. Pray.
I know there are days when you think your kids aren’t listening to a thing you say. There are days when you don’t feel appreciated (that comes later when your kids have kids and realize what they did to you) There are days when you think “How am I supposed to do all this?” On the toughest days remember to pray. Remember Jesus and his really bad, awful day and what He did for you. Pray for strength, wisdom and forgiveness. He understands and loves you beyond measure.

5. Ask for help.
There are times when every parent needs help. Maybe you need someone to watch the kids while you go for a walk or maybe you need someone to take them to karate or gymnastics. Ask someone. Ask a friend, a neighbor, a co-worker. We are all in this mess called life together. If the first person you ask can’t help, ask another and another until you find someone who can help.
Remember the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” During a pandemic it takes at least three villages and any extra natives you find that aren’t busy at the moment.

I can remember many days when my husband would walk in the door from work and I would I grab the car keys and take off for a ride to nowhere. Being a mother is hard….being a mother during a pandemic is twice as hard but you will muddle through this! I promise!
I’ve only listed 5 things about motherhood every mom needs to know because frankly, I know busy moms don’t have time to read even 5 things, so I’m not going to add more to this list, but if you ever have a spare minute read what Erma Bombeck had to say about motherhood. It’s the truth and she says it better than I ever could.
If you are a mom and you are reading this don’t forget how much you are loved.
God chose you to be The Momma to your precious child. It’s you they want when they wake up in the morning. It’s your attention they crave when they shout “Watch this, Mommy!” It’s you who chases the monsters from under their bed at night. You are The Most Important Person (and Daddy’s too) in your child’s life. Don’t you ever forget the honor and privilege that is.
You and God got this.
Now go to bed so you can get up and do it again tomorrow.

All images were found on Pinterest.
No, I’m not. I’m your mom and dang proud of it!
Love this!!! That last picture made me lol! What happens after 3? How you raised 5 of us I will never know! You’re a rockstar!!