A Few of My Favorite Things….
Not long ago we took my granddaughter Abby and her friend Maggie to see the play The Sound of Music. It was a great production and other than being seated smack-dab (is that a word) beneath the air conditioning vent and feeling like I was on top of an Austrian mountain without a jacket, I had a great time. One of my favorite songs from the play is Favorite Things, so I thought it would be fun to share a few of my favorite things with you. Be sure and comment and tell me about yours!

I love the beach. The sand between my toes, the surf, the sounds, the smell. Definitely one of my favorite things!

The Shrimp Festival was fun, but not the reason I included this picture. I chose it because it shows my husband carrying my granddaughter and being a wife and nana are two of my favorite things!
Cousins are another of my favorite things! This is Martha and I. I have ten first cousins on my dad’s side and six on my mom’s side. Cousins are such a big part of my best childhood memories!

Laughter. I love to laugh. This picture was made a week or so ago when Sally Struthers (yes, the one who was on All in the Family) visited Glasgow High School. This is my sweet sister-in-law, Kelly. A go getter if there ever was one. She is principal there and Sally literally swept her off her feet!

Little boys and puppies. I’m a sucker for both. And yes I have noticed that Grant isn’t exactly a little boy anymore. The guys out number the girls in my family and sometimes I whine and say things like “Why couldn’t you have been girls?” but the truth is I love having four boys and wouldn’t trade them for anything.

Girls. And I love just hanging out with my girls, too. No offense to my boys, but they smell nicer and have better manners!
Couldn’t close without mentioning sweets. Cheesecake, donuts (Robin Mc don’t you wish you had one of these), Kelly’s brownies…..gaining weight just thinking about it!
So how about it. What are your favorite things?
Blessings to you and your grandchildren! Happy Mother’s Day and Grandmother’s day!
I love being a Nana to my three grandchildren, Logan, Orry and Evelyn. I love to read, walk in the sunshine, work in my flowers and sometimes just do nothing.
Thank you for having this website. I enjoy reading it.
I love:
beaches and starfish
mountains and trees
sunsets and moonrises
truth and compassion
passion and indolence
books and the writers of books
knowledge and
(of course)