Year Book Memories
This morning I found my high school annual. It was lying on my desk and I suspect one of my boys had been looking at it. I took a few minutes and looked through it too.
This was my senior year (1974) and as I look through it I feel like I’m in a time warp.
There is no way those young faces can be in their 50’s now, is there?

Fast forward from 1974 and many of us have said goodbye to our parents, experienced a divorce (or two or three), raised our children and now are in love with our grandchildren (Do I hear any Amen’s?)
But back then what did we know about life? I’m sure some of my classmates were more mature than I was but after reading some of the things people wrote in my year book, I think we were all pretty naive.
I’m still in touch with some of my high school buddies, in fact, some of them became life long friends. A true friend is really one of life’s greatest blessings and I am so blessed!
“Many people will walk in and out of you life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.”
~ Unknown
Thank you, Lord, for giving me friends who continue to leave footprints on my heart!