When You Can Feel the Love of a Community

The Love of a Community

If you know me then you know that I can cry at the drop of a hat. I get goosebumps and tear up when someone sings the National Anthem (providing they sing on key) or Amazing Grace. I once sobbed so loud during a movie that my daughter got up and moved to the other side of the theater (Mr. Holland’s Opus). So if you you saw me coming out of the post office today you might not have been surprised that I had tears running down my face.

People who don’t know me very well might assume I was crying because the postage on the package I mailed cost a small fortune (it did but that wasn’t the source of my tears). I wasn’t crying because the man who helped me was mean to me (he wasn’t). And I wasn’t crying because I have post office anxiety disorder (if there is such a thing-I don’t have it).

I was crying because of someone’s kindness.

After I mailed my package I started out of the post office and ran into a neighbor. She asked about Bill and then proceeded to tell me that during the 3 months we were gone she would drive to my son’s farm and ask about us. She said her church prayed for us and several times she stood in prayer for us during their service. It never fails to touch my heart when someone takes the time to tell me about praying for Bill and for me. I thanked her and cried all the way to my car, humbled once again by the love of others.

This afternoon I delivered blueberries to a couple who had a similar message for me. I thanked them too and left their home shaking my head in amazement. I know this may sound corny but it’s true. I sincerely felt the love of a community and I won’t ever forget what that felt like.

For most of Bill’s hospital stay he was on a ventilator or taking medications that kept him unaware of anything around him, but I knew. I was the one who opened all your cards and kept them for him until he could read them. I was the one who nibbled on treats from your goody baskets. I was the one who answered your emails, texts and phone calls.

I felt the love and I still do.

Isn’t love an amazing thing?

Mother Teresa once said, ““I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” 

I felt your ripples and now that Bill is back home, he does too.

From the bottom of our hearts we thank you.

To read more about Bill’s Covid journey click here.

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  1. When someone prays for someone else, both are blessed. I have been the giver and recipient of such prayers. They are powerful. I love your messages.

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