Unusual Kentucky Sky

We had a thunderstorm the other night and after the storm the sky was the most unusual Kentucky sky  I think I have ever seen! This was taken off my back porch and those lights you see in the corner are not Christmas lights. I just put them up because I like twinkle lights.

Kentucky sky

Blue Skies Smiling On Me….Nothing But Blue Skies Do I See

I love Willie Nelson’s version of Blue Skies, but….

Then I went and looked out the front door and this is what it looked like!

Kentucky sky

I watched for awhile and it absolutely took my breath away. I don’t know how people look at a sky like this and not know that God painted it.

Kentucky sky

I hope where ever you are, near or far away, that you have a great week and I hope you feel God’s presence every time you look up at the sky!

This is a blog hop and I sure hope you will link up and leave a comment.

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  1. No you are never dumb to ask but honestly I can’t remember! Thanks for commenting and my apologies for taking so long to reply!

  2. Absolutely amazing!
    And yes, God was having a wonderful time painting for you! Thanks for sharing! Your neighbor from Wordless Wednesday.

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