Give Your Dog A Bath Without Getting Stressed

You really can give your dog a bath without getting stressed. It doesn’t have to be a wet wrestling match between you and your pooch!

I love dogs and our three pretty much have it made in the shade but lately one of them has been driving me dog gone crazy! The Golden Doodle belongs to my son’s girlfriend and he is a sweetheart. He loves kids and just about anyone he meets. The dark colored dog belongs to my son and is also a good dog but he’s a fierce watch dog. If I’m not home and you decide to come into my house uninvited….you might just lose your leg. He doesn’t like strangers and guards his territory fiercely! The little Cockapoo is Bella. She’s my baby and she’s the one that’s been driving me dog gone crazy! give your dog a bath This picture was made when they were all waiting on their treats. Notice how they sit at attention. give your dog a bath You might be wondering how such a sweet dog could get on my nerves. It has to do with the fact that she loves to roll in anything that smells disgusting. A few days ago some horses appeared in our yard. They had gotten out of their pasture and were enjoying our grass. They left us some very large piles of horse manure to remember them by. Bella managed to find one and just loved the smell. I don’t know how your dog is at bath time but Bella is like a churning chunk of wiggling fur. By the time I finished bathing her she isn’t the only one soaking wet. After three baths last week I thought things were going better and then last night she found where some trash had been burned and rolled in ashes. giving your dog a bath All these baths and grooming are wearing me out! Can you tell? But I’m learning some tricks to make things easier and I wanted to share them with you.

Keeping Them Clean and Dog Bathing Tips

1 – Take your dog out on a leash instead of letting them run free. We live on a huge farm and it’s tempting to let her run around on her own but with all the things she can get into, it just isn’t worth it.

2 – Another option is to fence in a small section of the yard to control what she can and can not get into. We may do that soon.

3 – Bending over the bathtub hurts my back and putting her in the shower with me wasn’t any better. We have a wet sink in our laundry room that’s high enough it doesn’t kill my back. (If you don’t have one consider one of the options below.)

4 – Have dog shampoo, brush, and towels ready so you don’t have to go looking for them while the dog is rolling around on your couch smelling like an ash pile! If everything you need is in a little carrier then where ever you bathe them, it’s quick and easy to get to. Also, if your dog has sensitive skin be sure and get a shampoo that doesn’t irritate!

5 – If you have ever given a dog a bath you know to have towels ready. When you let a wet dog lose in your house everything in it will soon be wet. Keep them in a contained area until they are towel tried or use your blow drier on a cool setting to fluff them up.

6 – Shorter hair is easier to wash. Bella’s hair is long and curly but with summer heat and her love of rolling in things, I’m keeping it short from now on. It doesn’t take nearly as long to wash, dry or brush. If your dog has long hair brush before washing or you will never get it un-matted.

7 – Bella isn’t scared of running water but some animals are. Fill the tub to the height you want it (I run enough to cover her whole body but not her neck. That way she’s really good and wet. Always test the temperature before you put them in. Neither animals or people like ice cold or steaming hot water.

8 – Keep treats handy and when your dog behaves well at bath time, reward them. They can tell by the tone of your voice if you are happy with them or not. People like treats (I love cookies) and so do pets!

9 – Brush the fur the opposite way that it grows to get a fluffier look and make sure you have a good dog brush. Some are too hard on sensitive skin.

10 – Depending on the size of your dog and how often you give them a bath you might want to consider these products that help with dog bathing.

  1. What’s the worst thing your dog has ever done? Do you have any doggie bath time tips I could add to these? Please Share if you do! This is a blog hop so link up friends!

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  1. Good advice! We don’t have a dog, but some of those ideas would work for our cat. We just take him to a groomer though. Thanks for hosting! Your pups are so adorable 🙂

  2. My dog isn’t a great fan of the bath–and we do use a lot of these tips already to make it easier for all of us! Bath time and nail clipping day are both tough!!

  3. We have a hand rinse attachment on our downstairs shower for the days we must bathe. Other than that a once every 6 weeks spa date handles the worst of it.

  4. Oh my, I remember bathing my Shihtzu, Kisha, she was so funny and really loved her baths. The pictures are really fun!!

    Hope you have a great week!

  5. Hello ,

    I saw your tweet about animals and thought I will check your website. I like it!

    I love pets. I have two beautiful thai cats called Tammy(female) and Yommo(male). Yommo is 1 year older than Tommy. He acts like a bigger brother for her. 🙂
    I have even created an Instagram account for them ( ) and probably soon they will have more followers than me (kinda funny).

    I have subscribed to your newsletter. 🙂

    Keep up the good work on your blog.


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