
One of the most important choices we can make is how we spend our time. Here is how the average American spends their day.


Look at this chart and think about the thousands of people in Japan who thought they had another day and they didn’t. I’m not suggesting we quit our jobs and spend our days at the golf course or at the beach (my personal favorite). What I am suggesting is that we all need to be more aware of “time” and how we spend it. We need to find joy in each and every day. We need to find ways to be with those we love.

Notice I have a peg leg too...I accidentally imitated Pete!
Notice I have a peg leg too...I accidentally imitated Pete!

My daughter and I just returned from visiting cousins in Florida that we haven’t seen for awhile. These beautiful girls eating fried pickles are cousins. The one in the middle is my daughter. The other two are my cousin Martha’s daughters. She has another beautiful daughter in North Carolina who was unable to make this trip but we are planning on another “girl weekend” in the fall.

Fried pickles? It's a southern thing!
Fried pickles? It's a southern thing!

Thirteen of us stayed in one condominium.

This was made at Peg Leg Pete's
This was made at Peg Leg Pete's

This little pirate is Martha’s GRANDdaughter Maddie…she really livened things up!

Cutest pirate at the restaurant!
Cutest pirate at the restaurant!

Remember the song by the Eagles that said “You can spend all your time making money….”

These are dollar bills that hang from the ceiling at one of the restaurants where we ate.
These are dollar bills that hang from the ceiling at one of the restaurants where we ate.

Tomorrow I’ll share with you some more ways we spent our time, but I want to leave you with a video I made that reminds me of how big God is and how small I am. How constant He is and how inconsistent I am.  How strong and powerful He is and how weak I am. He is the Creator of the universe and the Creator of time.  He knows how we are spending our time and if we aren’t spending some with Him, shouldn’t we be?

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  1. Americans spend more and more time a work and accomplish less and less. We are not taking the time to really live our lives and our working too hard isnt getting us ahead. So what are we trying to achieve?
    I think we need a 4 day week and job sharing.
    Good for you for finding the time to get away for such an important family gathering.

  2. One aspect of being a grandparent that I did not expect is the constant pull and tug of different needs. I need to grow my relationship with my grandchildren. I need to nurture my relationship with my husband. I need to enjoy my father while he is still with us. I need to take care of myself. It’s a constant process of ordering and re-ordering priorities.

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