This is what happens when you use flammable hair products and stick your head in a wood stove!While I was frying my hair my cousin Martha was losing hers. Her chemo caused her hair to fall out yesterday. This is her getting her wig fitted.She is beautiful inside and out and her new wig looks gorgeous. Hair is just hair, but the heart, well that's what really matters and hers is pure gold!
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Hair products should be labeled “flammable”! It never occurred to me that my hair might catch on fire.
WOW! That’s pretty dangerous.
I have an excuse for a bad hair day… you don’t! Love you!!
Whoops on your own hair do. I wish Martha the best with her chemo.
Hair is just hair! I’ve thought about shaving and donating mine if I collect $15,000 for cancer. It will grow back!
Love you both, with or without hair! But, I think Martha’s may look better!!! Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Love you,