There is no place like home and no bed like your own bed!
I don’t travel often, but when I do I am always quickly reminded of how much I enjoy sleeping in my own bed. A couple of years ago we bought a Tempur-Pedic mattress and if I had known how much I would love it I would have bought it years ago. Anyway, I went out of town last night and stayed at a nice hotel, but the bed just wasn’t MY bed and I didn’t sleep well. Talk about spoiled! Remember the scene in The Blind Side where Sandra Bullock shows Mike his new room and he says “Wow, I’ve never had one of these before.” She responds, “What? A room of your own?” And he says softly, “No, a bed.”
I know that there are many, many people here in our country and in others who do not have a soft, warm, comfortable place to sleep and so I feel guilty for even complaining a teeny-tiny bit about not sleeping well in a bed that was more than sufficient. But it’s true, there is no bed like your own bed and I am really looking forward to sleeping in mine tonight!
This past Sunday….
We ate at my brother’s house and I have to give my sister-in-law credit for being the most fearless entertainer of the year. The woman cooked enough food (my brother helped) to feed an army and invited enough teenage boys (it was my nephew’s birthday) that the house was packed.

While we were at my brother’s house my nephew, Price (the birthday boy) showed me a video that he and his friends put together. It’s a group of them doing basketball trick shots and it’s absolutely awesome. My nephew is the blonde with the blue shirt. It illustrates how imaginative teenagers are and also how much time these boys have on their hands! If you have a few minutes watch and enjoy!
It did take a long time and to answer your question about if they are as good when they are doing regular shots….if everyone else is off the court and they are allowed to shoot it as many times as they want (like they did in this video) then the answer is “yes”
I can certainly understand why! Those beds are hard as rock!
When I was working I traveled more than I liked and it was mainly because I hated to sleep on those gosh awful HARD beds.
They must have a lot of time…must have been quite a large period of time all those videos were taken. Are they as talented on the floor during the game?